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Open-source language solutions

Welcome! 👋

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Scribe[1] is a community of language enthusiasts, learners and developers creating tools to help people communicate with confidence.

Our current project are:

  • Scribe-iOS: A pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards with features including translation, verb conjugation and word annotation
  • Scribe-Data: A CLI that allows users to easily get language data packs from Wikidata and other sources

Creating MVPs for Scribe-Android and Scribe-Desktop are also now priorities!

An official Wikimedia project for new developers, we strive to be an inclusive community. Be it the software we write or the language data from Wikidata that it's based on, coders and open-source supporters of any level are welcome! Please also join us in our public Matrix chat rooms to share ideas, ask questions or just say hi :)

Try Scribe today!

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Articles and Presentations on Scribe




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  1. Scribe-iOS Scribe-iOS Public

    iOS app with keyboards for language learners

    Swift 143 86

  2. Scribe-Android Scribe-Android Public

    Android app with keyboards for language learners

    Kotlin 57 60

  3. Scribe-Data Scribe-Data Public

    Wikidata and Wikipedia language data extraction

    Python 38 76

  4. Scribe-Desktop Scribe-Desktop Public

    Typing GUI for language learners on Windows, Mac and Linux

    Rust 14 9

  5. Scribe-Server Scribe-Server Public

    Backend service for Scribe data downloads

    Go 4 8

  6. Scribe-i18n Scribe-i18n Public

    Application text localization files for Scribe apps

    Python 1 12


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