Lien vers le site Authors: Nassim Rahmani & Loïc Sénéchal
This project was done for educational purpose, during our studies of engineering. It's not intended for production. However, if you have any suggestions or bugs to report, you can still do so.
ZZChat is a chat client with the folowings features:
- Users registration
- Multilanguage (English and French)
- Message formatting
- Ciphered password (original method)
- Captcha security for subscription
We realized a web chat. It is programmed in HTML, PHP, Javascript and CSS. It was our first website so we learnt everything from scratch with internet.
We encountered few issues. Javascript is hard to understand, however HTML was very to learn. Our main issues were:
- Ajax: To show asynchronously the messages.
- Javascript: To read into file asyncronously. It's still a problem as the website sometimes doesn't respond. Solution: not found yet.
- PHPunit: To test the code as our teacher wanted. Because we don't know how to use it, and it requires functions in PHP files that we didn't create. Solution: not found yet.
We also have perspectives. We could add the possibilities to:
- Send private messages. By creating different pages or good usage of PHP and Javascript.
- Filter IP adresses that try to login or to subscribe. In order to avoid too many request that would try to crack the password for exemple.
- Change the profile animal picture, for an other animal.