Chartreuse zsh theme.
A green theme for zsh.
- Powerline compatible fonts like Vim Powerline patched fonts, Input Mono or Monoid.
Clone the repo, then create a symbolik link to oh-my-zsh's theme folder:
$ git clone ~/chartreuse
$ ln -s ~/chartreuse/chartreuse.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/chartreuse.zsh-theme
Download using the GitHub .zip download option and unzip them. Move chartreuse.zsh-theme file to oh-my-zsh's theme folder: ~/oh-my-zsh/themes/chartreuse.zsh-theme.
Go to your ~/.zshrc file and set ZSH_THEME="chartreuse".
Update your iTerm theme with this fork
Colors from Dracula and zsh config from Bullet Train.
MIT License © Sérgio Kopplin