The screader is a soure code reading tool based the libclang. It is implemented by the C. The screader can work on the clang-10.0.0 now.
You must install the clang on your computer. You can follow the doc: But after you "make", you must "make install".
After you install the clang, you can use "clang -v" to check your clang version.
Find the in the usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu dir; if you can't find it, you can use the "sudo apt-get install libclang1" to install the libclang.
Use the cmd to create a link to
sudo ln -s
Use git clone the source code of scread to you computer.
Create directory build under the scread directory.
Under the build directory, use the cmd:
cmake ../
Then you can get the scread under the build directory.
You must come to the directory of the scread.
If you want to use the scread to output all the informations of ast nodes: You can use it like that: ./scread xxx.cpp(or xxx.c, xxx.h)
If you just want to get the keyword information, you can use it like this: ./scread xxx.cpp keyword
We store some testcase under the scread/test/. So, you can use the scread like this: ./scread ../test/Node.h ./scread ../test/HelloWorld.cpp printf
- The files in include/clang-c dir is copy from the clang-10.0.0/include/clang-c.