This repository contains all the course material from the hands-on lessons of the ABAI 24/25 course. Theoretical lessons are held by Prof. Tommaso Di Noia, while hands-on lessons are held by Angela Di Fazio and Giovanni Servedio, Ph.D. Students @ Politecnico di Bari.
The repository will be updated along with the hands-on lessons. You will find both Python implementations and Prolog exercises. Interactive Python Notebooks, used during the lessons, will be provided alongside the code. Additionally, the slides will also be provided.
The Python implementations comprehend:
- Tree and Graph Search Algorithms:
- Uninformed Strategies
- Informed Strategies
- Streets Problem Example
- EightTiles Problem Example
- Local Search
- Local Search Algorithms
- 8-Queens Problem Example
For further details regarding the course, please feel free to reach out to:
- Prof. Tommaso Di Noia
- Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
- Vincenzo Paparella
- Angela Di Fazio
- Giovanni Servedio