"The Settlers 3/4" re-work. Planned to run on as many platforms as possible, including Android, Raspberry Pi, OSX, GNU/Linux and Windows 10.
- C Standard: C++17
Also checkout the OpenS4 Project with more progress in settlers game logic implementation.
- Add perfomance profiling options. (ImGUI)
- Texture Atlas creation
directly from original Settlers 3 GFX files - Load S3 graphics and maps directly from s3 install directory
- Consistent camera dragging behavior, regardless of current zoomlevel
- Assigning correct texture atlas UV coordinates to each triangle vertex based on field type (grass, rock, sea, etc.)
- More easily understandable, editable texture assignment. (maybe ID lookup table)
- Order map into quadtree data structure for fast CPU-side view frustum culling.
- Generate map texture as LOD mesh replacement at certain camera distance
Make sure to include the git submodules when cloning the repository!
> git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Skarmux/X-Settlers
> cd X-Settlers/
- Visual Studio 2019
- CMake 3.19+
- SDL 2.0 (binaries already included)
Making the Visual Studio solution files.
> cmake . -A x64 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
Open the newly created 'X-SETTLERS.sln' solution file in Visual Studio, build and run the project using Visual Studio.
- SDL 2.0
- CMake 3.19+
Generate a Unix Makefile.
> cmake . -A x64 -G "Unix Makefile"
> make
- Move camera by right-clicking and dragging the mouse.
- Zoom in- and out using the scroll wheel
At this early stage of development, contributions about certain features of the game- and engine are best brought in at our public discord server:
Settlers IV Modding: https://discord.gg/qXDkvW6
Maintainer and Core Engine Developer:
Mentor and a helping hand regarding low-level,
C/C++, CMake and other valuable intel:
Siedler 3 map and gfx decryption ( sied3 ):
Thomas Zeugner (tomsoftware)
Basic core engine setup derived from the awesome
Game Engine Series by Yan Chernikov