An interface for training and evaluating deep learning models, targeting microscopy.
Download and run the installer from here. On first launch, you may encounter a warning that the program is not signed. For now, please disregard this warning as we work on a fix.
White screen on boot, and ctrl+shift+i shows an error that zeromq could not be found. The solution is to install the vc_redist from here: Future versions will install this with the app.
Download and run the installer from here. To launch the app, command click it in the and click run. You may encounter a warning that the program is not signed. For now, please disregard this warning as we work on a fix.
Create a folder and in a terminal run
git clone .
Then run
npm install
followed by
pip install numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that numpy needs to be installed first, because scikit-image currently have some issues with installing if it isn't installed first.
One this is done, run, in order,
npm run build
npm run build-server
This will create the production version of the app. Now it can be run with
npm run start-prod