Trigger gitlab pipeline across projects using gitlab pipelines API, this tool makes it easier to quick other projects pipeline. what you need to prepare:
- Pipeline Trigger Token
- API Token for your account/or deploy account
- Project ID, that you want to trigger it's pipeline
The tool is contained in a small docker image tht you can use locally or inside gitlab ci:
docker run --rm -it ./main -a $API_TOKEN -t $TRIGGER_TOKEN -p $PROJECT_ID
to set the API Token-t
to set Trigger Token-h
to set host, default is
to set project id-b
to set target branch (reference), default is: master-w
to set if the client should keep fetching pipeline status until it the pipeline fails or succeeds, disabled by default.
From gitlab docs:
You can pass any number of arbitrary variables in the trigger API call and they will be available in GitLab CI so that they can be used in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.
This tools gives you the ability to pass these variables and converts them to variables[key]=value
and send them to the
Gitlab pipeline api. you can pass those variables like this
docker run --rm -it ./main env=production author=schehata logLevel=info
that would result in
stage: test
when: manual
- /trigger/main -a=$API_TOKEN -p=$PROJECT_ID -t=$TRIGGER_TOKEN -w=true