Observium is network monitoring with intuition. It is a low-maintenance auto-discovering network monitoring platform supporting a wide range of device types, platforms and operating systems including Cisco, Windows, Linux, HP, Juniper, Dell, FreeBSD, Brocade, Netscaler, NetApp and many more. Observium focuses on providing a beautiful and powerful yet simple and intuitive interface to the health and status of your network. For more information, go to http://www.observium.org site.
Available platforms are:
- AMD64 (Intel x86_64) https://hub.docker.com/r/mbixtech/observium/
- ARM32v7 (Raspberri Pi 2/3) https://hub.docker.com/r/mbixtech/arm32v7-observium/
$ cd amd64
$ docker build -t mbixtech/observium:latest .
- To build a specific version, add
--build-arg FETCH_VERSION=24.12
$ cd arm32v7
$ docker build -t mbixtech/arm32v7-observium:latest .
Either follow the choice A. or B. below to run Observium.
- Prepare working directory for docker containers, for example below.
$ mkdir -p /home/docker/observium/{data,logs,rrd}
- Run official MariaDB container
$ docker run --name observiumdb \
-v /home/docker/observium/data:/var/lib/mysql \
-e MYSQL_USER=observium \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=passw0rd \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=observium \
-e TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) \
- Run this Observium container
$ docker run --name observiumapp --link observiumdb:observiumdb \
-v /home/docker/observium/logs:/opt/observium/logs \
-v /home/docker/observium/rrd:/opt/observium/rrd \
-e OBSERVIUM_DB_HOST=observiumdb \
-e OBSERVIUM_DB_USER=observium \
-e OBSERVIUM_DB_PASS=passw0rd \
-e OBSERVIUM_DB_NAME=observium \
-e OBSERVIUM_BASE_URL=http://yourserver.yourdomain:8080 \
-e TZ=$(cat /etc/timezone) \
-p 8080:80
- You must replace passwords specified in environment parameters of both containers with your secure passwords instead.
- Requires a linked MySQL or MariaDB container (ex.:
--link observiumdb:observiumdb
supports AMD64 container only (plan to support ARM32v7 soon).
- Follow instuctions below to create extra working directory of docker containers (You can change
directory to your desired directory).
$ cd /home/docker
$ git clone https://github.com/somsakc/docker-observium.git observium
$ cd observium
$ mkdir data logs mysql
Note: You do not need to clone whole git repository. You can download
file and.env
file file. Then, place both files into e.g./home/docker/observium
directory mentioned above.
Change some environments to your appropreate values in
. -
Force pulling the latest Observium image from docker hub web site. It is to ensure that you will get the latest one.
$ docker compose pull
- Run both database and Observium containers.
$ docker compose up
- For your first time, you may add a new device, discover and poll that device. It is given an idea below (I follow https://docs.observium.org/install_debian/#perform-initial-discovery-and-poll).
$ docker compose exec app /opt/observium/add_device.php <hostname> <community> v2c
$ docker compose exec app /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all
$ docker compose exec app /opt/observium/poller.php -h all
- [2025-02-15] Merge pull request #36 into master branch
- Upgraded base image to Ubuntu 24.04 (amd64/Dockerfile)
- Supports running latest Observium 24.12 (amd64/Dockerfile)
- Update docker-compose.yml for recommended best practices
- Update README.md with build image instructions
- [2024-01-15] Merge pull request #35 into master branch
- Fixed TZ parameter in observium-init.sh file
- [2024-01-14] Merge pull request #34 into master branch
- Upgraded base image from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 (amd64/Dockerfile)
- Upgraded related packages (e.g. php) to match Ubuntu 22.04 and enhanced build code (amd64/Dockerfile)
- Revised observium-init.sh file and supported upgarding container to higher Observium version (run "discovery.php -u" whenever container starts)
- Fixed warning message caused by supervisord.conf file
- [2024-01-01] Built docker image with Observium CE 23.9.13005 on AMD64 platform only
- Merged pull request #28 into master branch
- Revised amd64/observium-init.sh file by updating /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime in container image whenever TZ environment is specified. It will effect to rrd graph.
- Revised amd64/observium-init.sh file by using MYSQL_PWD variable with mysql command instead
- Revised amd64/Dockerfile file to remove mysql-server package
- [2022-07-17] Built docker image with Observium CE 22.5.12042 on AMD64 platform only
- Fixed logrotate missing in amd64/Dockerfile
- Added libphp-phpmailer package in amd64/Dockerfile
- [2021-11-01] Built docker image with Observium CE 21.10.11666 on AMD64 platform only
- Added monitoring-plugins-basic, monitoring-plugins-common and monitoring-plugins-standard packages
- [2021-08-26] Built docker image with Observium CE 20.9.10731 on AMD64 platform only
- Upgraded base image to ubuntu:20.04
- Upgraded package to higher version with following Observium installation document, e.g. php-7.4
- Revised docker-compose.yml file and add .env file for specific project name (see source repository below)
- [2020-02-16] Enhanced docker image with Observium CE 19.8.10000
- Revised initial/kickstart script for first time of container running with more information about database initialization.
- Moved Apache http access and error logs to /opt/observium/logs directory.
- Added logs of all cron jobs storing in /opt/observium/logs directory.
- Added logrotate for rotating logs in /opt/observium/logs directory.
- Chnaged working directory of container image to /opt/observium for ease of managing Observium inside.
- Fixed invalid cron parameter specified in supervisord.conf.
- Revised Dockerfile file.
- [2018-10-28] Added 'Feature request: OBSERVIUM_BASE_URL #3' feature.
- [2017-08-19] Corrected error of "DB Error 1044: Access denied for user 'observium'@'%' to database 'observium'" by replacing MYSQL_DB_NAME environment variable of database container with MYSQL_DATABASE instead (regarding environment definition changed by official mariadb image).
- [2017-08-19] Add Observium image available on Raspberri Pi 2/3 (arm32v7) platform.
See source of project at https://github.com/somsakc/observium
I have a lot of plan to enhance this project. However, my work is priority to focus first. I hope I will have more time to do it.
- Enhance more on Kubernetes platform, for both AMD64 and ARM64 (Pi).
- Enhance more with secure TLS to Observium GUI.
- Secure more container image.
- Integrate rsyslog [2022/Q3]
- Official Observium web site [https://www.observium.org]
- Ubuntu installation from Observium web site [https://docs.observium.org/install_debian/]