Tracking where everyone's coming from before we all end up in Austin. Built with SvelteKit + Appwrite.
Live at Login with Discord.
# Get the code
git clone && cd gauntlet
npm install
# Set up your env
cp .env.example .env
# Fire it up
npm dev
- SvelteKit for the frontend magic
- Appwrite handling the backend heavy lifting
- D3 making things pretty on maps
✅ Done:
- US map with migration paths
- Discord auth
- Current location + hometown tracking
- Real-time updates
- Countdown to ATX
- City autocomplete
🚧 Coming up:
- Restrict Access to Discord Users in Unofficial Discord
- Globe view
- Stats dashboard
- Branch off main
- Do your thing
- PR it
- Auto-deploys to Vercel for preview
- Gets merged, ships to prod
That's it. Let's build.