Releases: spirit-island/spirit-island-mod
-Added hotkey to spawn reminder tokens based on what you're hovering over (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-"Maximize Adversary Level" will now also work for dual adversaries (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Swapped out vitality token for one which more closely mirrors the physical token (thanks to @MJyio)
-Deleting Immense Aspect will now undo energy track changes
-Swapping seats and color will now move hiding zones (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed save game bug where player ready guid colors weren't persisting (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed bug where swapping seats wouldn't move the power card selections (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed bug where gaining a power card from another player's selection, ala Entwined Power, would discard any power card selections you had (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed issue where ocean drowning bag image no longer existed
-Grab Spirit Markers will now skip over spirits which already have at least one (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Added custom victory button to Rituals of Terror for when you complete 3rd ritual
-Fixed some edge cases with gaining powers (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed bug when exploring with an empty deck and locked explore card (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed bug where ocean drowning bag was trying to gain fractions of energy
-Fixed bug where Gift of Nature's Connection wouldn't work with Blitz properly (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm) [beta only bug]
Custom Content
-Added "Island Tile" to allow custom island pieces (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Added hooks for modifying elements and thresholds (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Added hooks for modifying number of power cards gained (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Allow custom broadcasts on aspects (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Removed text from mod warning about downloading 4.0.0 assets taking a while
-Back Against the Wall will now auto add extra energy to each spirit (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Added some extra hooks for custom content to modify costs of played power cards, modify energy gain of spirit, as well as trigger when energy is gained/paid (or undone) (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed setup bug when turning off JE and NI setup changes which resulted in duplicate floating event cards
-Fixed bug where adding lots of custom content could end up having some of it not appear in dropdowns (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed bug where spirit markers wouldn't be recolored if a player changed colors (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Adjusted threshold decals on base game majors to better fit Horizons versions of the cards
-Added back context menu item to spawn spirit markers for all currently picked spirits
-Added new tag "Requires Isolate" which will hide Downpour and Finder from spirit area as well as switch back to using Growth through Sacrifice over Roiling Bog
-Fixed bug where changing Any element state multiple times would cause it to sometimes get deleted incorrectly during time passes
-Fixed issue where disabling Nature Incarnate setup changes would cause a popup to appear on screen during setup
-Added Feather & Flame and Horizon Rulebooks to the mod
-Added a broadcast to the player when they select an Aspect
-Updated showing the Editors to be mutually exclusive to the Rulebooks/Player Aid Cards
-Fixed Treacherous Waterways' (Minor) targeting restriction
-Fixed Sun-Bright's (Spirit) and Rising Heat's (Spirit) Progression Decks
-Fixed Powers Long Forgotten's (Scenario) and Rituals of Destroying Flame's (Scenario) images
-Fixed issue with Scotland not respecting special stage 2 invader cards (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
Custom Content
-Time passes will now reset Any Elements to their highest state (meaning you can make custom Any's and they will reset correctly)
-Updated Treacherous Waterways minor power to have the correct land targeting
-Added Feather & Flame and Horizon rulebooks to the mod
-Showing the editors is now mutually exclusive to showing the rulebooks and/or the player aid cards
-Removed snappoint for blight card since it's not needed anymore
-Time passes will now reset Any Elements to their highest state
-Added broadcast to player when they select an aspect
-Swapped Sun-Bright and Rising Heat progression cards
-Swapped Powers Long Forgotten and Rituals of Destroying Flame images
-Fixed issue with Scotland not respecting special stage 2 invader cards (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Fixed 2 B&C Events which had wrong dahan event section
-Removed broadcast about 4.0.0 asset downloading and instead added text object into mod that will delete itself after you finish loading