Releases: spirit-island/spirit-island-mod
-Updated Covets Gleaming (Spirit) to the latest version (including scripting for the new Plant Special Rule)
-Added an Island Board Editor
-Updated existing Spirit/Card Editors
-Fixed a scripting error when toggling Expansions after choosing a Spirit which has an Aspect requiring Expansions
-Updated covets gleaming to latest version which includes scripting new major power gaining change
-Added Island Board Editors (thanks to @MJyio)
-Updated existing editors (thanks to @MJyio)
-Fixed scripting error when trying to toggle expansion after selecting spirit which has aspect that requires expansions
-Fixed threshold with gleaming hoard
-Added scripting for Destiny Unfolds (Scenario) drafting (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)
-Updated covets gleaming to v1.2
-Updated Many Minds, Shroud, Downpour, and Relentless Gaze's reminder tokens to use black text for readability
-Updated Second Wave to export the Ban List
-Updated Larger Surges (Scenario) card image
-Fixed cards falling through Spirit Markers
-Fixed Island-shifting Buttons not appearing after a save and load
-Fixed a bug with seat swapping codes for seats without spirit picked
-Fixed Covets Gleaming unique power card images being swapped around
-Updated covets gleaming to 1.2
-Many Minds, Shroud, Downpour, and Relentless Gaze reminder tokens will now use black text instead so they are easier to see
-Fixed bug where cards would fall through spirit markers
-Second Wave will now export ban list
-Added documentation for how to use ban list
-Have island shifting buttons appear when you load save game
-Added scripting for Destiny Unfolds drafting (thanks to @pyrrhicPachyderm)