A curated list of companies in the sustainability sector with jobs for devs.
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company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Vow | jobs | Lab meat | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Car Next Door | jobs | Car sharing provider | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
has-to-be | jobs | Plattform für E-Mobilität | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Grüne Erde | jobs | 3.8/5 | Online Shop von Grüne Erde | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
door2door | jobs | 4.0/5 | Closing gaps in public transport | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sense | jobs | 4.0/5 | Sense’s mission is to reduce global carbon emissions by making homes smart and efficient. | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Opus One Solutions | jobs | 3.0/5 | Helping utilities optimize energy planning, operations and market management | ||
Power Factors | jobs | 4.3/5 | Asset management for renewables | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Nano Energies | jobs | Trading software for renewable energies |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Electricity Maps | jobs | Electricity Maps' mission is to enable a data-driven decarbonisation of electricity | |||
Too Good To Go | jobs | 3.7/5 | Anti food waste app |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Orsted | jobs | 4.3/5 | We are a renewable energy company that takes tangible action to create a world that runs entirely on green energy. | ||
Vestas | jobs | 3.8/5 | Wind turbines |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Zerofy | jobs | Carbon tracking and reduction for households / consumers. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sympower | jobs | 2.8/5 | Adding flexibility into to grid | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Cooler Future | jobs | Investments in sustainable portfolio | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sweep | jobs | Software to help companies reduce their carbon emissions | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
tiko | jobs | 4.2/5 | Energy analytics for homes |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Free2Move | jobs | Carsharing Software |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
right. based on science | jobs | Climatemetrics for the economy | ✅ | ✅ | |
klima.metrix | jobs | Automated CO2 footprint calculation | ✅ | ||
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ | |
Tomorrow | jobs | 4.6/5 | Sustainable bank account with CO2 offsetting | ✅ | ✅ |
Tanso | jobs | Sustainability Accounting for Industrial Manufacturing | ✅ | ||
ecosia | jobs | 3.7/5 | Eine Suchmaschine, die Bäume pflanzt | ✅ | |
Klima | jobs | Carbon Offset App | |||
myclimate | jobs | Beratung, Bildung und Projekte rund um das Thema Klimaschutz | |||
Spenoki | jobs | SaaS-Lösung um Nachhaltigkeit zu analysieren, zu optimieren und zu kommunizieren | ✅ | ||
climatiq | jobs | Carbon Footprint Intelligence for Smart Sustainability | ✅ | ||
The Mother Nature | jobs | Persönlichen CO2-Fußabdruck brechnen und kompensieren | |||
GreenDelta | jobs | 3.2/5 | Sustainability Consulting | ✅ | |
eevie | jobs | climate guide to a sustainable life | ✅ | ||
Planetly | jobs | 4.1/5 | CO2-Management | ✅ | |
nullify | jobs | CO2-App | ✅ | ||
cozero | jobs | Enable companies to effectively decarbonize and transform their business | ✅ | ✅ | |
The Climate Choice | jobs | 4.8/5 | Wir helfen Unternehmen ihre Klimatransformation zu beschleunigen. | ✅ | |
Carbonfuture | jobs | Carbon Removal Platform | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Vytal | jobs | Digitales Mehrwegsystem für Take-Away, Delivery und Convenience Food | ✅ | ||
Teqcycle | jobs | 3.5/5 | Rücknahme gebrauchter, mobiler Endgeräte | ||
circular.fashion | jobs | Digital platform for circular economy in fashion and textiles |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Wiferion | jobs | 4.6/5 | Inductive chargers | ✅ | |
Elli | jobs | 3.4/5 | Charging solutions by Volkswagen | ✅ | |
eeMobility | jobs | 3.6/5 | Ladelösungen für elektrifizierte Dienstwagen | ✅ | |
The Mobility House | jobs | 4.5/5 | Produkte und Services rund um Ladestationen | ||
ubitricity | jobs | 3.5/5 | Lade- und Abrechnungslösungen | ✅ | |
PlugSurfing | jobs | Ladestationen finden und nutzen | ✅ | ||
fleetster | jobs | 3.6/5 | Software für Flottenmanagement, CarSharing und Vermietung | ✅ | |
Kumpan electric | jobs | Hersteller von E-Rollern | |||
ONOMOTION | jobs | Elektromobilität für den innerstädtischen Lieferverkehr | ✅ | ||
Sono Motors | jobs | 4.3/5 | Self-Charging Cars | ✅ | |
Munich Electrification | jobs | 4.0/5 | Develops hard- and software for electrified automotive solutions and beyond | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
tado° | jobs | 4.1/5 | Lösungen und Services im Bereich Klimasteuerung zuhause | ✅ | |
Energieheld | jobs | Portal zu energetischen Gebäudesanierungen | ✅ | ||
Passivhaus Institut | jobs | 2.9/5 | Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden | ||
SOPTIM | jobs | 4.1/5 | Software für energiewirtschaftliche Prozesse | ||
vilisto | jobs | 4.6/5 | Digitales Wärmemanagment | ✅ | |
Enit Energy IT Systems GmbH | jobs | 4.7/5 | Voll Energie. Null Emission. - Energiemanagment für mittelständische Unternehmen | ✅ | ✅ |
ÖKOTEC | jobs | 4.2/5 | Reduktion des Energie- und Ressourcenverbrauchs für Industrie und Gewerbe |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ifu | jobs | 4.5/5 | Software & Beratung für Nachhaltigkeit | ✅ | |
Wikimedia | jobs | 4.4/5 | Freies Wissen | ||
ShareTheMeal | jobs | ShareTheMeal ist eine Initiative des WFP der Vereinten Nationen - die größte gemeinnützige Organisation im Kampf gegen den Hunger | |||
iPoint | jobs | 3.4/5 | Software- und Beratungspartner für umweltbezogene und soziale Produktkonformität und Nachhaltigkeit | ✅ | |
betterplace | jobs | 3.4/5 | Spendenplattform | ||
InFarm | jobs | 3.1/5 | Indoor Farming | ||
Startnext | jobs | 3.9/5 | Crowdfunding | ✅ | |
Cooler Future | jobs | Investments in sustainable portfolio | ✅ | ||
Carrypicker | jobs | CO2 Senkung durch Effizenzsteigerung im Transportwesen | |||
alcemy | jobs | CO2 Reduktion bei Beton Produktion | |||
retraced | jobs | Sustainable Supply Chain Management | ✅ | ||
unown | jobs | Kleidung leasen | ✅ | ||
ProjectTogether | jobs | Innovationsplattform | ✅ | ||
LIFTE H2 | jobs | Hydrogen supply chains | |||
bettervest | jobs | 3.3/5 | Nachhaltige Geldanlagen | ||
Fenntec | jobs | Robots for weeds | ✅ | ||
Acker e.V. | jobs | 4.5/5 | Innovative und praxisorientierte Konzepte für mehr Wertschätzung für Natur und Lebensmittel | ✅ | ✅ |
Green Coding Berlin | jobs | Research the energy consumption of software and its infrastructure, create open source measurement tools | ✅ | ||
envite consulting | jobs | Entwicklung von Software mit Fokus auf Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ENGIE Energy Access | jobs | Solar energy access for sub-saharan Africa | |||
BayWa r.e. | jobs | 4.1/5 | Global provider for renewable energy solutions | ||
Greenpeace Energy eG | jobs | 4.0/5 | Anbieter für Ökostom und Ökogas | ||
BELECTRIC | jobs | 3.6/5 | Entwicklung und im Bau von Freiflächen-Solarkraftwerken und Energiespeichersystemen | ||
Next Kraftwerke | jobs | 4.5/5 | Next Kraftwerke betreibt eines der größten Virtuellen Kraftwerke Europas | ✅ | |
energy & meteo systems | jobs | 3.7/5 | Leistungsprognosen und Virtuelle Kraftwerke | ✅ | |
DrehPunkt | jobs | 4.4/5 | Software für erneuerbare Energien | ||
meteocontrol | jobs | 4.5/5 | Überwachungssysteme für Solaranlagen | ||
sma | jobs | 3.8/5 | Wechselrichter, Photovoltaik- & Solartechnik | ||
sonnen | jobs | 3.4/5 | Batteriespeicher | ✅ | |
FENECON | jobs | 4.0/5 | Stromspeichersysteme | ||
IngSoft | jobs | 4.6/5 | Software für Energiemanagment | ✅ | |
Solarschmiede | jobs | 4.5/5 | Planungssoftware für PV-Anlagen | ||
SOLARWATT | jobs | 3.9/5 | Hersteller von PV-Eigenheimlösungen | ✅ | |
Lumenaza | jobs | 3.9/5 | Software-as-a-Service-Plattform für grüne Energieunternehmen | ✅ | |
Energiedienst | jobs | 4.2/5 | Anbieter von Ökostrom aus Wasserkraft | ||
mobisol | jobs | 3.6/5 | Smart Solar Home Systems | ||
Power Plus Communications | jobs | 4.0/5 | Smart Metering Lösungen | ✅ | |
Digsilent | jobs | 4.2/5 | Simulation und Netzintegration von erneuerbaren Energien | ✅ | |
smartblue AG | jobs | Monitoring von PV-Anlagen | |||
SENEC | jobs | 3.7/5 | Stromspeichersysteme und Energielösungen | ||
KACO new energy | jobs | 3.6/5 | Wechselrichter für Photovoltaik und Batteriespeicher | ||
greenergetic | jobs | 3.6/5 | Abwicklung, Betreuung und Verkaufsförderung von Solaranlagen | ||
E3/DC | jobs | 3.2/5 | Hersteller von Wallboxen | ✅ | |
Optimax Energy | jobs | 4.6/5 | Dienste rund um den Handel erneuerbarer Energien | ✅ | |
DZ-4 | jobs | 3.9/5 | Anbieter für Solaranlagen zur Miete | ||
LichtBlick | jobs | 3.8/5 | Ökostromanbieter | ||
ZOLAR | jobs | 4.0/5 | Online Planung von PV-Anlagen | ||
enersol | jobs | plant, vertreibt und installiert schlüsselfertige PV/Batterie Anlagen | |||
Ampeers Energy | jobs | 4.3/5 | Dezentrale Energie | ✅ | |
EINHUNDERT Energie | jobs | 4.2/5 | Mieterstrom | ||
enersis | jobs | 4.5/5 | Digitale Plattformen zur Planung und Simulation der Energiewende | ||
Enpal | jobs | 3.8/5 | Solaranlagen mieten | ✅ | |
GFK Solar | jobs | Regionaler Anbieter für Photovoltaik-Lösungen | ✅ | ||
node.energy | jobs | Automatisierung von Management und Planung von klimafreundlichen Energielösungen | ✅ | ||
enyway | jobs | 4.5/5 | Regionaler Ökostrom und CO2-Kompensation mit Rendite | ✅ | |
Octopus Energy | jobs | 4.1/5 | Ökostromanbieter, der auf Digitalisierung setzt | ✅ | |
Solarmax | jobs | Hersteller von Wechelrichtern und Batteriesystemen | |||
Energy2market | jobs | 4.2/5 | Virtuelle Kraftwerke | ||
envelio | jobs | Digitalisierungsplattform für Energienetze | ✅ | ||
Eigensonne | jobs | 3.8/5 | Beraturn, Planung und Ausführung von PV-Anlagen | ||
ENERTRAG | jobs | 3.4/5 | Erzeuger von Windenergie | ✅ | |
Q-Energy | jobs | Akquisition und Entwicklung von EE Projekten | |||
Memodo | jobs | 3.6/5 | Photovoltaik-Großhandel | ✅ | |
Einhundert Energie | jobs | 4.2/5 | Skalierbarer Mieterstrom | ✅ | |
be4energy | jobs | Hard- und Software rund um die Energiewende | ✅ | ||
greenventory | jobs | Inventarisierung und Analyse verteilter Energiesysteme | ✅ | ||
Valentin Software | jobs | 4.8/5 | Planungs- und Simulationssoftware für Erneuerbare Energien | ||
Opernikus | jobs | IT-Projektpartner für die Digitalisierung der Energieversorgung | |||
Sunvigo | jobs | 4.1/5 | Operates PV on your roof | ✅ | |
Solytic | jobs | 4.8/5 | Develops a hardware-independent monitoring solution for photovoltaic power plants |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Wunder Mobility | jobs | 4.4/5 | Technology to launch and scale shared mobility services | ✅ | |
nextbike | jobs | 3.3/5 | Bike sharing | ||
car2go | jobs | 3.2/5 | Carsharing-Anbieter von BMW und Daimler | ||
INVERS | jobs | 4.1/5 | Anbieter für Carsharing Software | ✅ | |
Cambio Carsharing | jobs | 4.0/5 | Anbieter für Carsharing Software | ||
emmy | jobs | 3.8/5 | Elektro-Roller Sharing | ✅ | |
MOQO | jobs | 4.4/5 | Software für Shared Mobility Projekte | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Avocado Store | jobs | 3.6/5 | Online Marktplatz für nachhaltige Produkte | ||
momox | jobs | 3.6/5 | Recommerce-Anbieter für gebrauchte Bücher, CDs, DVDs und Spiele | ✅ | |
fairmondo | jobs | faire Alternative zu den Marktriesen im Online-Handel | ✅ | ||
Waschbär | jobs | 3.0/5 | Online Shop für umweltgerechte und sozialverträgliche Produkte | ✅ | |
etepetete | jobs | 3.8/5 | krummes Gemüse | ✅ | |
Leasing for Good | jobs | Software for circular fashion practices | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
raumobil | jobs | 4.5/5 | smarte, digitale, grüne Mobilitätslösungen für Städte, Gemeinden, Quartiere, Veranstaltungsorte und Unternehmen | ||
Jobrad | jobs | 4.2/5 | Diensträder | ✅ | |
Company Bike Solutions | jobs | 3.9/5 | Diensträder | ✅ | ✅ |
door2door | jobs | 4.0/5 | Closing gaps in public transport | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sympower | jobs | 2.8/5 | Adding flexibility into to grid | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Advanced Infrastructure | jobs | Our mission is to "accelerate an informed, fair and affordable transition to a net zero energy system" | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ChargePoint | jobs | 3.3/5 | Charging Solution | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Advanced Infrastructure | jobs | Our mission is to "accelerate an informed, fair and affordable transition to a net zero energy system" | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
VIOTAS | jobs | VIOTAS is a market-leading Smart Grid and Demand Response technology provider. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sympower | jobs | 2.8/5 | Adding flexibility into to grid | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
tiko | jobs | 4.2/5 | Energy analytics for homes |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
WAVES | jobs | Ermittlung des Carbon Footprints für Transporte, Produkte und Unternehmen |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ClearVUE.Business | jobs | Energy and carbon management software for monitoring, reporting, and compliance |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Circularise | jobs | Supply Chain Transparency for a Circular Economy |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sympower | jobs | 2.8/5 | Adding flexibility into to grid | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Metabolic | jobs | 4.2/5 | Sustainability consulting | ✅ | |
Triodos Bank | jobs | 4.0/5 | Sustainable Banking | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Solar Monkey | jobs | Solar panel software | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Vanmoof | jobs | 3.6/5 | E-Bike manufacturer |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Ducky | jobs | Carbon emissions reduction platform |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Car Next Door | jobs | Car sharing provider | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Vestas | jobs | 3.8/5 | Wind turbines |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Lune | jobs | Making products or services climate positive by default | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Terraformation | jobs | Solving climate change with forest restoration | ✅ | ||
HappyCow | jobs | Find vegan and vegetarian restaurants | ✅ | ||
Propagate | jobs | Regenerative Agriculture | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Voltus | jobs | 3.4/5 | Connecting distributed energy resources | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
winnow | jobs | 4.1/5 | Reduction of food waste in commercial kitchens |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Ampersand | jobs | Electric vehicles and charging systems for motorcycle taxi drivers in East Africa | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ | |
CarbonCloud | jobs | Climate footprint for food brands | ✅ | ||
ClimateView | jobs | Plan, simulate and execute your climate transition. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sympower | jobs | 2.8/5 | Adding flexibility into to grid | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Orbital | jobs | water and energy saving showers | ✅ | ||
Karma | jobs | Food Saving | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Zerofy | jobs | Carbon tracking and reduction for households / consumers. | ✅ | ||
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ | |
myclimate | jobs | Beratung, Bildung und Projekte rund um das Thema Klimaschutz |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
LivingPackets | jobs | Wiederverwendbare Versandboxen |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Designwerk | jobs | Entwicklung rund um die Elektromobilität |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
tiko | jobs | 4.2/5 | Energy analytics for homes | ||
ECCO2 | jobs | Predictive heating controll |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
enersis | jobs | 4.5/5 | Digitale Plattformen zur Planung und Simulation der Energiewende | ||
3S Solar Plus | jobs | Solar roofs |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
gogoro | jobs | 3.6/5 | e-scooters with swapable batteries |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ClimatePartner | jobs | 4.0/5 | ClimatePartner enables companies and their customers to take climate action. | ✅ | |
Sylvera | jobs | 4.4/5 | quantitative and qualitative data on offset projects | ✅ | |
Lune | jobs | API powered carbon offsetting | ✅ | ||
CarbonChain | jobs | Measure carbon emissions | |||
Emitwise | jobs | 4.6/5 | Our carbon accounting platform enables you to measure, report and reduce the carbon footprint of your operations and supply chain | ||
CarbonRe | jobs | 5.0/5 | Building breakthrough artificial intelligence to master the production of materials for a zero carbon future. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sense | jobs | 4.0/5 | Sense’s mission is to reduce global carbon emissions by making homes smart and efficient. | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
allplants | jobs | 4.1/5 | Vegan meals delivered | ✅ | |
Karma | jobs | Food Saving | ✅ | ||
Advanced Infrastructure | jobs | Our mission is to "accelerate an informed, fair and affordable transition to a net zero energy system" | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Octopus Energy | jobs | 4.1/5 | UK-based retail electricity and gas supplier specialising in sustainable energy | ||
OVO Energy | jobs | 3.6/5 | UK-based green electricity supplier | ||
Arenko | jobs | 4.2/5 | Automation & optimisation for the energy transition | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ITO World | jobs | 4.6/5 | Enhance passenger experience and operational efficiency by analysing, adjusting and distributing highly accurate real-time public transit data. | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Zerofy | jobs | Carbon tracking and reduction for households / consumers. | ✅ | ||
wren | jobs | Personal carbon offsetting | |||
Watershed | jobs | 3.7/5 | Helping companies cut carbon | ✅ | |
Heirloom | jobs | Removing 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2035 | |||
Commons | jobs | Commons harnesses the collective power of people to tackle the climate crisis, starting with the emissions from their own spending. | ✅ | ✅ | |
Patch | jobs | API-first carbon removal | ✅ | ||
Climate Robotics | jobs | They build robotics and artificial intelligence to fight climate change | ✅ | ||
Pachama | jobs | 5.0/5 | Harnessing AI to drive carbon capture and protect global forests | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
AMP Sortation | jobs | 3.7/5 | AMP is applying AI-powered sortation at scale to modernize the world's recycling infrastructure and maximize the value in waste. | ✅ | ✅ |
Kaiyo | jobs | 3.9/5 | Used-Furniture marketplace | ||
AMP Robotics | jobs | 4.2/5 | Computer vision for recycling | ||
Glacier | jobs | Robots for recycling |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
InductEV | jobs | 2.1/5 | Wireless charging | ||
ChargePoint | jobs | 3.3/5 | Charging Solution | ✅ | |
Xos | jobs | 2.7/5 | Decarbonizing transportation with reliable electric trucks | ✅ | |
Motiv | jobs | 3.3/5 | Freeing fleets from fossil fuels | ||
WeaveGrid | jobs | Connecting electric vehicles to the grid | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Sense | jobs | 4.0/5 | Sense’s mission is to reduce global carbon emissions by making homes smart and efficient. | ✅ | ✅ |
OhmConnect | jobs | 4.4/5 | Save energy and get paid | ✅ | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Apeel | jobs | 4.1/5 | Plant-based protection for food | ✅ | |
LIFTE H2 | jobs | Hydrogen supply chains | |||
Mast Reforestation | jobs | 4.5/5 | Scalable reforestation via drones | ✅ | |
Full Harvest | jobs | 4.7/5 | Source Surplus & Imperfect Produce Online | ||
Afresh | jobs | 4.1/5 | AI-powered food waste reduction | ✅ | |
Nautilus Labs | jobs | 4.6/5 | Efficiency of ocean commerce through artificial intelligence | ✅ | ✅ |
Culdesac | jobs | 5.0/5 | Car-Free Neighborhoods | ✅ | |
Crusoe | jobs | 3.8/5 | Reduce the routine flaring of natural gas |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
BlocPower | jobs | 3.6/5 | Heat pump systems | ✅ | |
Raptor Maps | jobs | 4.0/5 | Analytics, Insights & Productivity Software for the Entire Solar Lifecycle | ✅ | ✅ |
Aurora Solar | jobs | Software for Solar Design and Sales | ✅ | ||
Arcadia | jobs | Tech platform that makes clean energy accessible in the USA | ✅ | ||
Clean Power Research | jobs | 4.7/5 | Sofware for renewable energies | ||
Omnidian | jobs | 4.5/5 | Clean energy investments | ✅ | |
Palmetto | jobs | 3.4/5 | Helping homeowners with solar | ✅ | |
Nexamp | jobs | 4.1/5 | Solar for communities and homeowners | ||
Everlight Solar | jobs | 4.6/5 | Everlight Solar enables households to own their power | ✅ | |
Voltaiq | jobs | 4.0/5 | Battery Intelligence Platform | ✅ | |
QuantumScape | jobs | 4.0/5 | solid-state lithium-metal batteries | ||
EverBright | jobs | Solar Design and Proposal Software | ✅ | ✅ | |
EnergySage | jobs | 4.9/5 | solar quotes online | ||
Myst AI | jobs | Forecasting for renewable energies | ✅ | ||
Nel | jobs | 3.9/5 | Hydrogen Electrolysers and Fueling Stations | ||
Form Energy | jobs | 3.8/5 | multi-day energy storage systems | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
Imperfect Foods | jobs | 3.1/5 | Imperfect food delivery | ✅ |
company | jobs | rating* | description | sp* | re* |
ENGIE Energy Access | jobs | Solar energy access for sub-saharan Africa |
- rating: Rating by the employees according to portals like Kununu or glassdoor
- sp: speculative applications accepted
- re: has at least one remote job offering
- eejobs.de
- GoodJobs
- NGOjobs.eu
- NachhaltigeJobs.de
- Impactify
- tbd.community
- greenjobs
- Jobverde.de
- Stellenmarkt-Umweltschutz.de
- Climate Change Jobs
- SR2 - Socially Responsible Recruitment - B Corp
- Carbon13 - The Venture Builder for the Climate Emergency
- ClimateTechList - live job tracker of 16,000+ jobs updated daily, in-depth profiles on software-heavy climate tech companies
- Green Recruitment
- Climatebase
- naturetech.io
- LinkedIn Green Jobs
- Hyperion Search
- B-Work - jobs at B Corps
- 80000 hours jobs board - Jobs with Impact
- Escape The City - Jobs with Impact
- Taylor Hopkinson - Renewable Energy Jobs
- Terra.do - Climate Company Jobs
- Maritime and Renewable Energy Jobs