The Plug & Trust Nano package is an optimized middleware for communicating between a host processor or microcontroller and the EdgeLock SE05x and A5000 secure elements and authenticators. The Plug & Trust Nano Package has been designed for memory constrained devices and consumes only ~1KB of RAM for SCP03 encrypted communication over I2C.
Note that the examples and libraries contained in the Plug & Trust Nano package have been specifically designed to fit into constrained devices and are not compatible with examples and libraries available in the standard Plug & Trust package.
The standard Plug and Trust middleware package can be downloaded from The package has support for more crypto curves, plugins, examples and more platforms.
Nano Package -
Nano package Features
- ECDSA and ECDH with NIST P256
- AES Encrypt / Decrypt (ECB,CBC,CTR)
- Binary Objects
- Encrypted I2C communication using PlatformSCP channel baed on Global Platform SCP03 channel
- Platforms - Linux, frdm-k64 bare metal, Zephyr OS
Folder structure
example --- se05x examples lib ------ se05x library files | |__ apdu -------- Contains se05x apdu apis with scp03 support platform ---- Platform specific files. Modify / add the files here to support other platform t1oi2c ------ T1OI2C files mbedtls_alt - Mbedtls ALT files to access SE05x
Using nano package, host can establish encrypted I2C communication via PlatformSCP channel (based on Global Platform SCP03). This requires some host crypto operations.
- Plug and Trust Nano package has these host crypto apis implemented using
- openssl (version 1.1.1). (simw-nanopkg/lib/apdu/scp03/openssl)
- tinyCrypt (simw-nanopkg/lib/apdu/scp03/tc)
To use a different host crypto, re-implement the host crypto apis - simw-nanopkg/lib/apdu/scp03/se05x_scp03_crypto.h
When building the example with 'Platform SCP' enabled, make sure to assign valid scp03 keys to session context. (DEK key is required only for key rotation - se05x_rotate_scp03_keys).
Product Deployment => Make sure to store the SCP03 keys securly.
- The Default Platform SCP keys for ease of use configurations are present in
- SE050 Configuration:
- SE051 Configuration:
void ex_set_scp03_keys(pSe05xSession_t session_ctx)
session_ctx->pScp03_enc_key = &scp03_enc_key[0];
session_ctx->pScp03_mac_key = &scp03_mac_key[0];
session_ctx->pScp03_dek_key = NULL;
session_ctx->scp03_enc_key_len = 16;
session_ctx->scp03_mac_key_len = 16;
session_ctx->scp03_dek_key_len = 0;
Platform SCP03
-DPLUGANDTRUST_SCP03=ON : Build with Platform SCP03 enabled -DPLUGANDTRUST_SCP03=OFF : Build with Platform SCP03 disabled
Debug Logs
-DPLUGANDTRUST_DEBUG_LOGS=ON : Build with Debug logs enabled -DPLUGANDTRUST_DEBUG_LOGS=OFF : Build with Debug logs disabled
Examples on linux
Refer simw-nanopkg/examples/<example>/readme.rst. :ref:`linux_examples`
Examples on k64
Refer simw-nanopkg/se05x_sign/k64f/readme.rst. :ref:`ex_se05x_sign_k64`
Refer simw-nanopkg/se05x_crypto/k64/readme.rst. :ref:`ex_se05x_crypto_k64`
Examples on Zephyr OS
Integration of nano package in Zephyr OS is maintained in branch - feature/zephyr-integration
Refer simw-nanopkg/zephyr/readme.rst. :ref:`se05x_zephyr_integration`
To use policies with objects refer 'test_nist256_sign_policy' in 'Se05x Crypto' example. For more details on policies, Refer Section '3.7 Policies' in
Platform specific files are maintained in simw-nanopkg/lib/platform folder.
Modify / add the files here to support other platforms. By default port files are available for Linux, Zephyr and K64 MCU.
Nano package provides MbedTLS Alt files as an alternative/additional approach to access the secure element using mbedTLS.
In the current implementation only ECDSA Sign is supported via MbedTLS ALT files.
Using Mbedtls Alt files in Zephyr OS
Set CONFIG_PLUGANDTRUST_MBEDTLS_ALT to build Plug and Trust with Mbedtls Alt files.
GCP cloud example in Zephyr OS is modified to use SE05x for ECDSA sign.
Prerequisite - SE05x provisioned with private key at location (say 0x11223344).
Replace the private key in zephyr/samples/net/cloud/google_iot_mqtt/src/private_info/key.c with the reference to provisioned private key.
The following provides an example of an EC reference key. The value reserved for the private key has been used to contain:
- a pattern of
to fill up the datastructure MSB side to the desired key length - a 32 bit key identifier (in the example below
) - a 64 bit magic number (always
) - a byte to describe the key class (
for Key pair) - a byte to describe the key index (use a reserved value
Private-Key: (256 bit)
Refer zephyr/samples/net/cloud/google_iot_mqtt/README.rst to build GCP cloud example.