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Here's a professional and well-documented README file for your WebSocket chat application:

WebSocket Chat Application


This project is a WebSocket-based chat application that allows users to register, log in, and communicate in real-time. It supports one-on-one messaging as well as group chats. The application uses native WebSocket with Node.js on the server side and a simple HTML/CSS frontend.


  • User Registration & Login: Users can register and log in to access the chat functionalities.

  • Real-time Messaging: Supports one-on-one messaging and group chats.

  • Group Management: Users can create groups and add members.

  • Conversation History: Fetches and displays conversation history for a selected user or group.

  • Online User List: Displays the list of currently online users.

Getting Started

To run the chat application locally, follow these steps:


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed. You can download it from


  1. Clone the Repository
git clone

  1. Install Dependencies

Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies:

npm install
  1. Run the Server

Start the WebSocket server:

node server.mjs
  1. Open the Application

Open index.html in your web browser. You can do this by navigating to the file in your file explorer and double-clicking it, or by serving it through a local HTTP server.

File Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file that contains the front-end of the chat application. It includes the chat UI, registration, and login forms.

  • server.mjs: The Node.js WebSocket server script. Handles WebSocket connections, user authentication, message broadcasting, and group management.

Code Overview

Frontend (index.html)

  • WebSocket Initialization: initializeWebSocket function establishes a WebSocket connection to the server.

  • User Registration/Login: Functions register and login handle user registration and authentication.

  • Message Handling: Functions sendMessage, displayMessage, and populateOnlineUserAndGroupList manage message sending, display, and updating the user and group lists.

  • Group Management: Functions createGroup and addToGroup handle group creation and member addition.

  • Conversation History: Function fetchConversation retrieves and displays conversation history.

Backend (server.mjs)

  • WebSocket Upgrade: Handles WebSocket upgrade requests and establishes connections.

  • Message Handling: Functions handleMessage, registerUser, authenticateUser, sendMessage, createGroup, addToGroup, and sendConversationHistory process various WebSocket messages.

  • Broadcasting: Functions broadcastToGroup and broadcastUpdateUsersAndGroups manage broadcasting messages and updates to users and groups.

  • Connection Management: Functions send, sendError, and onSocketClose handle sending messages, errors, and closing connections.


  • Register: Enter a username and password to register a new account.

  • Login: Use your registered credentials to log in.

  • Send Messages: Select a user or group from the sidebar to start chatting.

  • Create Groups: Enter a group name and click "Create Group" to create a new group.

  • Add Members: Enter a username and group name to add a member to a group.


  • Connection Issues: Ensure that the WebSocket server is running and accessible at ws://localhost:1337.

  • Authentication Errors: Verify that you are using the correct username and password.

  • UI Issues: Check the browser console for any JavaScript errors and ensure that index.html is correctly loaded.


For any questions or feedback, please contact the project maintainer at [email protected].


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