This is a simple To-Do list application built using React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and powered by RTK Query for API state management. The data is served via JSON-server, allowing for easy mocking of backend responses. This project demonstrates the power of modern React development, providing an efficient and simple solution to managing state in a small application.
- CRUD Operations: Add, update, and delete tasks.
- State Management: Utilizes Redux Toolkit Query (RTK Query) to handle data fetching and caching seamlessly.
- Typescript: Ensures type safety and developer-friendly experience.
- Tailwind CSS: Provides utility-first CSS for a sleek and responsive UI.
- JSON-server: A lightweight mock API for quick backend setup.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux Toolkit (RTK Query): A set of tools that simplifies state management and data fetching in React applications.
- Typescript: A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- JSON-server: A full fake REST API for quick prototyping.
- Auto Caching: Automatically caches data for efficient network requests.
- Polling: Built-in polling functionality for real-time applications.
- Optimistic Updates: RTK Query supports optimistic updates, allowing for more responsive applications.
- Automatic Fetching & Mutation: Simplifies the handling of server-side state with minimal boilerplate.
- Error Handling: Built-in error states and control flow for better user experience.