Releases: sveltejs/language-tools
Releases · sveltejs/language-tools
- fix: support workspace symbol excludeLibrarySymbols config in ts-plugin (#2674)
- fix: take other snippets into account when checking for hoistability (#2668)
- fix: disambiguate render in module script (#2667)
- fix: properly transform $ when $props is assigned to props (#2694)
- fix: correctly handle unclosed tags with same type tag inside (#2682)
- fix: handle booleanish popover (#2702)
- perf: cache files during emitDts (#2701)
- fix: take other snippets into account when checking for hoistability (#2668)
- fix: disambiguate render in module script (#2667)
- fix: properly transform $ when $props is assigned to props (#2694)
- fix: handle booleanish popover (#2702)
- chore: bump vscode-html/css-language-service (#2677)
- fix: use referenced project's compiler option to get resolution mode (#2676)
- fix: don't show html tag completion with namespace component (#2685)
- chore: bump vscode-html/css-language-service (#2677)
- fix: prevent error when the script tag is removed in nodenext projects (#2635)
- fix: use referenced project's compiler option to get resolution mode (#2676)
- chore: bump to typescript 5.8 (#2704)
- fix: highlight type annotation in
tags - fix: take other snippets into account when checking for hoistability (#2668)
- fix: disambiguate render in module script (#2667)
- fix: properly transform $ when $props is assigned to props (#2694)
- fix: correctly handle unclosed tags with same type tag inside (#2682)
- fix: handle booleanish popover (#2702)
- fix: support workspace symbol excludeLibrarySymbols config in ts-plugin (#2674)
- fix: don't show html tag completion with namespace component (#2685)
- fix: prevent error when the script tag is removed in nodenext projects (#2635)
- fix: use referenced project's compiler option to get resolution mode (#2676)
- perf: cache files during emitDts (#2701)
- chore: bump to typescript 5.8 (#2704)
- chore: bump vscode-html/css-language-service (#2677)
- fix: don't hoist types/snippets referencing stores or destructured variables (#2661)
- fix: don't hoist types/snippets referencing stores or destructured variables (#2661)
- fix: don't hoist types/snippets referencing stores or destructured variables (#2661)
- fix: move snippets to correct place when only module script present