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@ahoppen ahoppen released this 01 Aug 23:45
· 1456 commits to main since this release

Compared to 510.0.2 improves swift-syntax’s ability to build using Bazel.

It also contains the following changes from 510.0.0.

New APIs

  • SyntaxStringInterpolation.appendInterpolation(_: (some SyntaxProtocol)?)

    • Description: Allows optional syntax nodes to be used inside string interpolation of syntax nodes. If the node is nil, nothing will get added to the string interpolation.
    • Pull Request: #2085
  • SyntaxCollection.index(at:)

    • Description: Returns the index of the n-th element in a SyntaxCollection. This computation is in O(n) and SyntaxCollection is not subscriptable by an integer.
    • Pull Request: #2014
  • Convenience initializer ClosureCaptureSyntax.init()

    • Description: Provides a convenience initializer for ClosureCaptureSyntax that takes a concrete name argument and automatically adds equal = TokenSyntax.equalToken() to it.
    • Issue: #1984
    • Pull Request: #2127
  • Convenience initializer EnumCaseParameterSyntax.init()

    • Description: Provides a convenience initializer for EnumCaseParameterSyntax that takes a concrete firstName value and adds colon = TokenSyntax.colonToken() automatically to it.
    • Issue: #1984
    • Pull Request: #2112
  • DiagnosticSeverity and PluginMessage.Diagnostic.Severity now have new case named remark

    • Description: Remarks are used by the Swift compiler and other tools to describe some aspect of translation that doesn't reflect correctness, but may be useful for the user. Remarks have been added to the diagnostic severity enums to align with the Swift compiler.
    • Pull Request: #2143


  • Leaf Node Casts

    • Description: Syntax nodes that do not act as base nodes for other syntax types have the casting methods marked as deprecated. This prevents unsafe type-casting by issuing deprecation warnings for methods that will always result in failed casts.
    • Issue: #2092
    • Pull Request: #2108
  • Same-Type Casts

    • Description: is, as, and cast overloads on SyntaxProtocol with same-type conversions are marked as deprecated. The deprecated methods emit a warning indicating the cast will always succeed.
    • Issue: #2092
    • Pull Request: #2108
  • Base Node Casts

    • Description: is, as, and cast methods on base node protocols with base-type conversions are marked as deprecated. The deprecated methods emit a warning that informs the developer that the cast will always succeed and should be done using the base node's initializer.
    • Issue: #2092
    • Pull Request: #2108
  • WildcardPatternSyntax.typeAnnotation

    • Description: typeAnnotation on WildcardPatternSyntax was a mistake. Use typeAnnotation properties on the outer constructs instead. E.g. PatternBindingListSyntax.typeAnnotation
    • Pull Request: #2393

API-Incompatible Changes

  • NoteMessage.fixItID renamed to noteID

    • Description: This was an error that it was named fixItID and should have been named noteID instead. Accesses to fixItID are deprecated and forward to noteID. Any types that conform NoteMessage it will need to be updated to provide a noteID instead of a fixItID.
    • Issue: #2261
    • Pull Request: #2264
  • DiagnosticSpec.highlight replaced by highlights

    • Description: The use of a single string highlight prevented users from asserting that a macro highlighted exactly the expected set of syntax nodes. Use of DiagnosticSpec.init(...highlight:...) is deprecated and forwards to DiagnosticSpec.init(...highlights:...). Migrating from highlight to highlights is straightforward; any uses of DiagnosticSpec.init which do not specify a highlight do not need to change, otherwise:
      • If the diagnostic highlights a single node, the highlight string should be replaced with a single element array containing the same string without any trailing trivia, e.g., highlight: "let " -> highlights: ["let"].
      • If the diagnostic highlights multiple nodes, the highlight string should be replaced with an array containing an element for each highlighted node, e.g., highlight: "struct {}" -> highlights: ["struct", "{}"].
    • Pull Request: #2213