to use the helm chart you can use it dirctly from the or pull it to your local station(Working on Openshift)
helm pull oci://
in the value file here is the major keys:
Key | Value | Description |
replicaCount | 1 | Number of replicas for the rollouts-manager deployment |
image.registry | | Registry where the image is hosted |
image.repository | openshiftdemos | Repository of the image | | rollouts-terminal-tooling | Name of the image |
image.pullPolicy | Always | Pull policy for the image |
image.tag | 1.11 | Tag of the image |
imagePullSecrets | [] | Secrets for pulling the image |
nameOverride | "" | Override for the Helm chart name |
fullnameOverride | "" | Override for the full name of resources |
serviceAccount.create | true | Specifies whether a service account should be created |
serviceAccount.annotations | {} | Annotations to add to the service account | | rollouts-manager | Name of the service account |
service.type | ClusterIP | Type of service |
service.port | 3100 | Port for the service |
service.portName | 3100-tcp | Name of the service port |
route.enabled | true | Whether to create an OpenShift route |
route.clusterDomain | apps-crc.testing | Cluster domain for the OpenShift route |
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy | Redirect | Edge termination policy for TLS |
route.tls.termination | edge | TLS termination policy for the route |
resources | {} | Resource requests and limits for the deployment |
nodeSelector | {} | Node selector for the deployment |
tolerations | [] | Tolerations for the deployment |
affinity | {} | Affinity settings for the deployment |
podAnnotations | {} | Annotations for the deployment pods |
podSecurityContext | {} | Security context for the deployment pods |
securityContext | {} | Security context for the containers in the deployment |
under examples/blugreen/base
oc apply -k examples/blugreen/base
yq -i '.spec.template.spec.containers[].image |= sub(":.*", ":<<new_color>>") examples/blugreen/base/rollout.yaml'
deploy both Rollout-Manager and the Blue-Green to the same K8S namespace.
change the image tag to the following colors to test how the rollout works.
- blue (default)
- green
- orange
- purple
- yellow