Meetings: -Online meetings to set up github and finalize thoughts on previous submission files -Library meetings for coding sql and setting up webpages -All members were present
NOTE**: This is the default admin account, but in the webpage you can be redirected to become an admin or customer in which you can take different actions
- Admin Credentials: Username: admin , Password: admin
- Customer Representative Credentials: Username: cusrep , Password: cusrep
- User Credentials: Username: user, Password: passie
- admin: access to generating sales report and creating customer reps
- admin-sales-report: view sales report
- admin-create-rep: creates new customer representative
- auctionItem: adds item to auction in db
- autobid: creates automatic bid
- bid-history-auctions: view all auctions, access to view bid history
- bid-history-specific: view bid history for specific auction
- bid-history-users: view auction history for a specific user
- bidding: creates a new bid
- check-account-login: verifies log in info and for specific types of users
- clearAlerts: deletes alerts upon user request
- createAlerts: generates alerts
- cusrep-home: access to edit account info, looking at questions, and edit auction/bid
- cusrep-delete-bid: deletes bid from an auction, update aucton accordingly
- cusrep-delete-auction: deletes auction and associated item
- cusrep-find-acc: gets account, gives access to edit account info
- cusrep-edit-acc-info: updates username/password for an account
- cusrep-find-bid: view bids, access to delete bids/auctions
- cusrep-find-qna: view questions, access to answer questions
- cusrep-qna: write answers to questions
- error: sends errors depending on the situation
- logout: logs out user from session
- qna-show: displays questions and provides form to ask new questions
- qna-ask-question: submits question
- register-account-login: verifies if username is valid, creates new user
- registrationerror: sends registration error message to users
- registrationsuccessful: sends registration success message to users
- searchItemtype: handles and displays search requests
- Users: login/register page
- welcome: user home page, access to all user functionality
NOTE: Remember to change the password in file under WEB-INF and in the check-account-login page.