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@feici02 feici02 released this 20 Jan 07:07
· 2807 commits to main since this release

Behavior change and compatibility


  1. feat: taosX now support multiple stables with template for MQTT


  1. enh: improve taosX error message if database is invalid
  2. enh: use poetry group depencencies and reduce dep when install taosdata/taos-connector-python#251
  3. enh: improve backup restore using taosX
  4. enh: during the multi-level storage data migration, if the migration time is too long, it may cause the Vnode to switch leader
  5. enh: adjust the systemctl strategy for managing the taosd process, if three consecutive restarts fail within 60 seconds, the next restart will be delayed until 900 seconds later


  1. fix: the maxRetryWaitTime parameter is used to control the maximum reconnection timeout time for the client when the cluster is unable to provide services, but it does not take effect when encountering a Sync timeout error
  2. fix: supports immediate subscription to the new tag value after modifying the tag value of the sub-table
  3. fix: the tmq_consumer_poll function for data subscription does not return an error code when the call fails
  4. fix: taosd may crash when more than 100 views are created and the show views command is executed
  5. fix: when using stmt2 to insert data, if not all data columns are bound, the insertion operation will fail
  6. fix: when using stmt2 to insert data, if the database name or table name is enclosed in backticks, the insertion operation will fail
  7. fix: when closing a vnode, if there are ongoing file merge tasks, taosd may crash
  8. fix: frequent execution of the “drop table with tb_uid” statement may lead to a deadlock in taosd
  9. fix: the potential deadlock during the switching of log files
  10. fix: prohibit the creation of databases with the same names as system databases (information_schema, performance_schema)
  11. fix: when the inner query of a nested query come from a super table, the sorting information cannot be pushed up
  12. fix: incorrect error reporting when attempting to write Geometry data types that do not conform to topological specifications through the STMT interface
  13. fix: when using the percentile function and session window in a query statement, if an error occurs, taosd may crash
  14. fix: the issue of being unable to dynamically modify system parameters
  15. fix: random error of tranlict transaction in replication
  16. fix: the same consumer executes the unsubscribe operation and immediately attempts to subscribe to other different topics, the subscription API will return an error
  17. fix: fix CVE-2022-28948 security issue in go connector
  18. fix: when a subquery in a view contains an ORDER BY clause with an alias, and the query function itself also has an alias, querying the view will result in an error
  19. fix: when changing the database from a single replica to a mulit replica, if there are some metadata generated by earlier versions that are no longer used in the new version, the modification operation will fail
  20. fix: column names were not correctly copied when using SELECT * FROM subqueries
  21. fix: when performing max/min function on string type data, the results are inaccurate and taosd will crash
  22. fix: stream computing does not support the use of the HAVING clause, but no error is reported during creation
  23. fix: the version information displayed by taos shell for the server is inaccurate, such as being unable to correctly distinguish between the community edition and the enterprise edition
  24. fix: in certain specific query scenarios, when JOIN and CAST are used together, taosd may crash

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