Useful resources for creating apps with Electron (formerly atom-shell)
Inspired by the awesome list thing. You might also like awesome-nodejs.
Some good apps written with Electron.
- Atom - Code editor.
- Nuclide - Unified IDE.
- Playback - Video player.
- Friends - P2P chat.
- Kitematic - Docker container management.
- Monu - Process monitoring.
- ScreenCat - Screen sharing & remote collaboration.
- Gulp - GUI for running gulp tasks.
- Imagemin - Minify images.
- Mapbox Studio - Map designer.
- LevelUI - LevelDB management.
- Kart - Frontend for RetroArch.
- Douban-FM-Express - DoubanFM client.
- Cuttle - UI for the ClojureScript compiler.
- Vmd - Preview Markdown files.
- Slack - Desktop version.
- Vivaldi - Web browser.
- Avocode - Share design and collaborate.
- Pixate - Mobile interaction designer.
- Spark Dev - Professional IDE for Spark.
- Visual Studio Code - Free cross-platform IDE from Microsoft.
- Nylas - Email client.
- Fireball - Hackable game editor for creating mobile and HTML5 games.
- electron-boilerplate (by sindresorhus) - Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app.
- generator-electron - Scaffold out an app boilerplate.
- electron-boilerplate (by szwacz) - Comprehensive boilerplate which even generates installers.
- electron-packager - Package and distribute your app.
- electron-prebuilt - Install prebuilt Electron binaries for command-line use using npm.
- electron-rebuild - Rebuild native io.js modules against the currently installed Electron version.
- titlebar - Emulate the OS X window titlebar.
- chrome-tabs - Chrome like tabs.
- menubar - High-level way to create a menubar app.
- cookies - Adds support for
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