Releases: th2-net/th2-infra
Release v2.2.0 - DEV
Feature: settings to prevent deletion of ns in openshift cluster
(TH2-4876) Have Helm Repositories in schema namespaces
(TH2-5144) Infra -> Add settings related to block deletion of ns to infra-mgr configMap
Release v2.1.0
Feature: Installation th2 via ArgoCD to openshift
(TH2-4961) ArgoCD implementing into infra
(TH2-4964) th2 infra > add cradle-admin file in th2 schema
(TH2-4898) Changes for Docs on GitHub with the description of rootless feature
(TH2-4377) Running th2 components as a Non-root User
(TH2-4376) Infra-editor didn’t start with from non-root user.
(TH2-4255) Inconsistent repository state exceptions in infra manager
(TH2-2075) Loki Promtail: Failed to create target, too many open files
(TH2-4940) Add ability to pass custom docker Entrypoint in CRs
(TH2-4968) Bring pico operator up to date with latest infra operator
(TH2-4956) Remove helm release template yaml file and instead use helm release spec class
(TH2-4955) [Jupyterhub] Add Jupyterhub to th2 ingress rules
(TH2-4943) Issue alert if operator cache error is detected
(TH2-4942) infra-mgr put incorrect value into environment variable related to secret_path
(TH2-4939) Add background process for validating operator's resource cache
(TH2-4897) Remove hardcoded user ids from infra manager Dockerfile
(TH2-4873) Provide ability to declare and link custom pins for estore and mstore
(TH2-4863) Helm release stuck in failed status.
(TH2-4861) Add warning log for incorrect store pin configurations
(TH2-4859) Service and ingress ports are not matching when user specifies custom targetPort
(TH2-4595) update dictionary performance is slow
(TH2-4576) [TH2] OOMKilled alert creation
(TH2-4482) [TH2 infra] infra-mgr ability to work with git access tokens
(TH2-4431) [infra-operator] infra-operator stops noticing changes from some kind of resource
(TH2-4383) th2 infra > Integrate Jupiterhub
Release v2.0.0
(TH2-3257) [infra-operator] add log - message: 'java.lang.Exception: multiple dictionaries linked with same type: MAIN'
(TH2-3845) [Infra] After restart RabbitMQ infra-operator is not recreated queries
(TH2-2524) [Infra] Annotate th2 boxes with useful information
(TH2-2882) [Infra] Hash commit is not presented in operator fo configmap
(TH2-2792) [Infra] Infra-mgr does not see new commits until fully launched
(TH2-3620) [Infra] Infra-mgr log contains messages about deleted namespaces after create new namespace
(TH2-3303) [Infra] Infra-operator is not deleted old queues in rabbit for deleted namespace
(TH2-2791) [infra] let's make CRDs great again
(TH2-3790) [Infra] Refactor box-chart which is related to service deployment
(TH2-2873) [(TH2-DEV][Deployment] New versions infra components in (TH2-kuber-test03 (2.0.0)
(TH2-4549) [TH2] Remove default limit value for CPU in box-chart
(TH2-3909) adapt CR converter to new link structure
(TH2-4810) Add a rootles flag in operator config
(TH2-3221) add commit hash with unbind queue logs
(TH2-3757) Add CR converter as service component
(TH2-3807) Add host aliases in converter and crd
(TH2-3674) Add Kotlin linter to the infra-manager
(TH2-4018) Add link error messages in HTTP response
(TH2-4261) Add LoadBalancer as a service option
(TH2-4259) Add LoadBalancer into conversion
(TH2-3769) Add necessary documentations for 2.0
(TH2-4795) add OWASP vulnerability scan configuration
(TH2-3682) Add properties field in grpc filters
(TH2-3729) Add style check in infra repo
(TH2-4687) Add support Golang logging config
(TH2-4196) after update defaultbook, an error occured in operator
(TH2-3610) Automatic CR conversion
(TH2-2707) book name support from infra
(TH2-3349) Change field types in CRD from string to appropriate data type
(TH2-4781) Change spring boot dependency
(TH2-4793) Checks for books validation is not being done on several components
(TH2-3091) Clean up Cassandra config section for infra manager
(TH2-3089) Cleanup rabbit when namespace is deleted
(TH2-3542) Code decomposition and readability improvements
(TH2-4285) CR was deleted, but then it came back again by itself
(TH2-3378) CRD field names refactoring
(TH2-2698) Declare and pass to config for box the topic exchange for notification when infra-manager starts
(TH2-3636) delombok infra operator
(TH2-4690) detection time missing in CR
(TH2-3763) extend API for conversion
(TH2-3926) Fix duplication of entries in repository settings spec
(TH2-4232) Fix duplication of error messages in attribute validation
(TH2-4022) fix hostAliases in cr-converter
(TH2-4086) Fix mq configuration for stores
(TH2-4082) fix NPE
(TH2-4246) Fix resource validity regarding empty spec and linkTo
(TH2-4308) Fix spec in resources converted from Git
(TH2-3781) Get rid off links as a separate kind, instead specify resource bindings in box resources themselves
(TH2-4310) Handle inconsistent repository states
(TH2-4499) Helm release custom resources no longer visible on k8s dashboard
(TH2-4102) Improve error handling and logging in infra repo
(TH2-4163) Improve infra dashboards to make them more user friendly
(TH2-4029) Improve null-safety in schema-validator
(TH2-2505) infra - "bookname" setting structure creating
(TH2-2518) infra - provide an ability to edit cradle.json config for a namespace by user
(TH2-3783) Infra repo refactoring
(TH2-4376) Infra-editor didn’t start with from non-root user.
(TH2-3686) Introduce Kotlin data classes and checkstyle in infra-operator
(TH2-3667) introduce versioning in infra CRDs
(TH2-4764) Keyspace and books validation
(TH2-4740) Make keyspace required in infra-mgt-config
(TH2-4392) Mark schema as invalid if it has link error
(TH2-2717) Migrate th2 namespaces under single vHost
(TH2-2750) Modify how operator removes unused queues
(TH2-2760) Modify rabbitmq section in infra manager
(TH2-2748) Modify rabbitMQManagement config in infra operator
(TH2-4319) modify trivy vulnerability checker to detect medium level threats
(TH2-2526) monitor changes in book-name config map
(TH2-3749) Move validation related to links from operator to validator
(TH2-3766) Pass custom configuration for cradle.json
(TH2-3280) pass default keyspace if it is not specified in config file
(TH2-3367) Pass pin filters as they are without changing structure
(TH2-4540) pass schema sync mode as config parameter
(TH2-4510) Provide ability to create queues for the RabbitMQ user related to a namespace
(TH2-3859) Recreate all queues and binding when rabbit restart is detected
(TH2-3984) refactoring for old dictionary links
(TH2-3084) Remove @SneakyThrows annotations
(TH2-4051) remove bookNames section from infra manager config file
(TH2-4502) remove chartConfig from CRD
(TH2-3772) Remove CRD event handler
(TH2-3274) Remove dependency on vhostPrefix parameter from infra-operator
(TH2-3768) Remove ingress related code from infra manager
(TH2-3090) Remove keyspace creation from infra manager
(TH2-3910) remove link files after conversion
(TH2-4345) Remove LinkEndpoint default values in V1 link spec
(TH2-3509) Remove parsed messages support from mstore
(TH2-4227) Remove resource name from validation report
(TH2-4354) rename chartCfg to chartConfig in CRDs
(TH2-3671) Replace appropriate java classes with Kotlin data classes
(TH2-3004) Retry mechanism for topic exchange and user creation
(TH2-3718) Review build gradle files for operator and manager
(TH2-4377) Running th2 components as a Non-root User
(TH2-3761) Separate grpc and mq pins in code
(TH2-4555) Service should not be created when enabled:false
(TH2-3646) (TH2-infra -> ability to connect several cassandra to one kubernetes cluster
(TH2-4077) (TH2-infra > Adapt dictionaries to new format
(TH2-3356) (TH2-infra > dictionary links refactoring
(TH2-3707) (TH2-infra > Infra-mgr can't fetch schema repository and stucks throwing errors until restart
(TH2-3780) (TH2-infra > Service section refactoring
(TH2-4519) the error should be shown above 70 characters in pin names
(TH2-3160) the operator should also remove the user from the Admin section
(TH2-3792) Update box direction check in pin validation
(TH2-4341) Update dependencies in cr-converter
(TH2-4094) Update fabric8 library versions in infra components
(TH2-4716) Update spring boot version
(TH2-3651) Wait until existing namespace is deleted before starting to recreate it
(TH2-4521) warn log should be change with error log
(TH2-4667) When dictionary links are passed as a list, They are not replaced
Release v1.8.1
[TH2-4476] Integrate Jupyterhub and dashboards into release-v1.8.1
[TH2-4576] alert creation
Release v1.8.0
[TH2-3358] Infra-mgr -> Github stop accepting ssh keys #119
[TH2-2830] add multi-dictionaries-relation section in dictionary links #133
[TH2-2640] Change from casssandra headless service to ClusterIP #134
[TH2-3454] - Unused parameters from th2-service templates are deleted (#140)
[TH2-3529] - added conditions for git credentials (#142)
[TH2-3466] prometheus and alertmanager ingress rules #139
[TH2-2614] changes for multiply repositories #137
[TH2-2614] changes for multiply repositories - fixes #147
[TH2-3262] Integrate rabbitmq bitnami chart into th2-infra (#41)
[TH2-3309] Integrate infra-operator-tpl source code into th2-infra repository (#121)
Auto PR creation for helm-docs #122
Auto PR creation for helm-docs - added head branch condition #156
[TH2-3262] upgrade rabbitmq chart, watermark fix (#160)
e2e test data upgrade #161
[TH2-2503] Adding limits to ephemeral storage resources #158
[TH2-2118] [TH2 Grafana Dashboards] For implementing in th2-infra #145
[TH2-2118] [TH2 Grafana Dashboards] For implementing in th2-infra (#197)
[TH2-3571] updated manager and operator versions #150
[TH2-3403] th2-infra > document infra schema git access via https #107
[TH2-3692] - rabbitmq nodeport fix #171
[TH2-3621] Release 1.8.0 infra migration docs (#169)
[TH2-3209] updated infra editor version #148
[TH2-2665] th2-infra > Add hostAliases to the th2boxes #170
[TH2-3640] - More accurate service account permissions for infraMgr #183
[TH2-3640] Split rbac groups, added resources #195
[TH2-3755] th2-infra > Change headless service to Cluster IP for rabbitmq #191
[TH2-3711] th2-infra > Migrate to new k8s apiVersions #175
[TH2-3800] th2-infra > Fix Infra-mgr keyspace init if Cassandra unavailable #198
[TH2-3306] th2-infra > Ingress path validation pattern
[TH2-3760] th2-infra > Openshift features
[TH2-3788] th2-infra > Add unit tests for charts #190
[TH2-3788] th2-infra > Unit test for charts (#208)
infra-repo auto build for release branches (#199)
[TH2-3836] th2-infra > set dnsPoliсy to ClusterFirstWithHostNet #210
[TH2-3815] - Added ability for InfraGit dynamic provisioning (#203)
[TH2-3839] th2-infra > add hostAliases to infra-mgr (#209)
[TH2-2763] - Bump kube-prometheus-stack 21.0.5 (#214)
[TH2-2763] - Prometheus-stack update migration and values (#229)
[TH2-2118] [TH2 Grafana Dashboards] For implementing in th2-infra #217
[TH2-3744] Readme documentation fixes and additions (#177)
[TH2-3873] th2-infra > Update loki stack to 2.6.5 - fix (#232)
[TH2-3898] th2-infra > Disable infra editor v2 #235
[TH2-3901] Fix 'Cannot create Cradle manager' error (#239)
[TH2-3725] [infra-editor] An issue with monaco-editor in cluster without Internet access (#240)
[Th2-2422] allow upper case aliases (#241)
[TH2-3906] capital letters for dictionaries (#242)
[TH2-4045] - infra-editor > Links cannot be created in some namespaces (#259)
[TH2-3918] th2-infra > Pass annotations from boxes to pods #266
[TH2-4023] th2 ServiceMonitors and PrometheusRules in Openshift #269
[TH2-3886] th2-infra > Pass infra-mgr key as secret value (#254)
[TH2-1505] Useful entry point on th2 root url (#271)
[TH2-4070] - crd-gen implementation v1.8.0 #272
[TH2-2504] nodeSelector fix, type and template updated (#282)
[TH2-3262] th2-infra > Integrate rabbitmq bitnami chart into th2-infr… fix ingress hostname (#287)
[TH2-1505] th2-infra > Useful entry point on th2 root url - improvements #284
[TH2-3883] th2-infra > Release process diagramm #228
[TH2-3918] th2-infra > Pass annotations from boxes to pods - fix (#285)
[TH2-4120] Upgrade libraries and base images #289
[TH2-4182] k8s compatibility matrix in docs (#292)
[TH2-4040] describing rbac permissions (#262)
Release v1.7.3
Release v1.7.2
[TH2-3292] th2-infra > generate helm docs in pipeline #91 #109
[TH2-2853] Add disk alarms to rabbitmq in th2-infra chart #95
[TH2-3305] th2-infra > decouple ci values from the deployment playbook #99
[TH2-3143] Add liveness probes to infra-mgr and infra-operator #98
[TH2-3296] Reduce git pull interval #100
[TH2-3281] th2-infra > Add disable feature to custom resources #101
[TH2-3319] Correct logging config templates to include 'com.exactpro.sf' package #77
[TH2-3297] th2-infra > adding loki data source to prometheus-stack out of box #97
[TH2-3024] Enable rabbitmq alert rules from its chart #96
[TH2-3317] th2-infra > move default settings from chart templates to values #102
[TH2-3323] th2-infra > add PrometheusRules with alerts #104
[Th2-3410] Infra-mgr -> Github stop accepting ssh keys #117
[TH2-1611] Add Rabbitmq queues creation coverage in e2e th2-infra test #118
[TH2-3313] Release 1.7.2 infra migration docs (#113)
Pick up 1.6.3 changes to 1.7.2 #93
Create CODEOWNERS #115
Release v1.6.4
What's Changed
- [Th2-3358] Infra-mgr -> Github stop accepting ssh keys by @Maximus905 in #112
Full Changelog: v1.6.3...v1.6.4
Release v1.6.3
Pre-release v1.7.1
[TH2-2967] th2-infra e2e > create own schema git repository during pipeline
[TH2-2968] th2-infra > Decouple infra components resources into chart values
[TH2-1907] Change infra-mgr image to support arbitrary user ids
[TH2-1855] Integrate helm-operator chart to the th2-infra
[TH2-2158] Ingress rules for act-ui
[TH2-2719] Upgrade loki-stack up to 2.4.1 version
[TH2-2927] Fix ingress trailing slash in user facing th2 components: infra-editor, namespace report ui, act-ui
[TH2-2167] k8s dashboard chart integrated
[TH2-1613] Create git-ssh Helm chart in th2-infra repo
[TH2-3005] Changes to remove git-chart-creds dependency
[TH2-3125] add condition to disable prometheus stack ServiceMonitor installation
Components version
- infra-operator: 3.4.3
- infra-editor: 1.0.65
- infra-repo: 0.7.1
- infra-mgr: 1.5.2
Migration to v1.7.x th2-infra chart
- Loki stack 2.4.1 chart version must be used during deployment.
- Helm operator chart now is included as dependency and should not be deployed separately. All its values are under helmoperator parent value.
- Kubernetes dashboard chart now is included as dependency and should not be deployed separately. Previous deployment must be uninstalled from "monitoring" namespace. All its values are under dashboard parent value.