Membarr is a fork of Invitarr that invites discord users to Plex and Emby. You can also automate this bot to invite discord users to a media server once a certain role is given to a user or the user can also be added manually.
- Ability to invite users to Plex and Emby from discord
- Fully automatic invites using roles
- Ability to kick users from plex if they leave the discord server or if their role is taken away.
- Ability to view the database in discord and to edit it.
/plex invite <email>
This command is used to add an email to plex
/plex remove <email>
This command is used to remove an email from plex
/emby invite <emby username>
This command is used to add a user to Emby.
/emby remove <emby username>
This command is used to remove a user from Emby.
/membarr dbls
This command is used to list Membarr's database
/membarr dbadd <@user> <optional: plex email> <optional: emby username>
This command is used to add exsisting plex emails, emby users and discord id to the DB.
/membarr dbrm <position>
This command is used to remove a record from the Db. Use /membarr dbls to determine record position. ex: /membarr dbrm 1
- Create the discord server that your users will get member roles or use an existing discord that you can assign roles from
- Log into and click 'New Application'
- (Optional) Add a short description and an icon for the bot. Save changes.
- Go to 'Bot' section in the side menu
- Uncheck 'Public Bot' under Authorization Flow
- Check all 3 boxes under Privileged Gateway Intents: Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, Message Content Intent. Save changes.
- Copy the token under the username or reset it to copy. This is the token used in the docker image.
- Go to 'OAuth2' section in the side menu, then 'URL Generator'
- Under Scopes, check 'bot' and applications.commands
- Copy the 'Generated URL' and paste into your browser and add it to your discord server from Step 1.
- The bot will come online after the docker container is running with the correct Bot Token
For Manual an Docker setup, see below
- Ensure you have the Community Applications plugin installed.
- Inside the Community Applications app store, search for Membarr.
- Click the Install Button.
- Add discord bot token.
- Click apply
- Finish setting up using Setup Commands
1. Enter discord bot token in bot.env
2. Install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3. Start the bot
To run Membarr in Docker, run the following command, replacing [path to config] with the absolute path to your bot config folder:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name membarr -v /[path to config]:/app/app/config -e "token=YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN_HERE" yoruio/membarr:latest
/plexsettings setup <username> <password> <server name>
This command is used to setup plex login.
/plexsettings addrole <@role>
These role(s) will be used as the role(s) to automatically invite user to plex
/plexsettings removerole <@role>
This command is used to remove a role that is being used to automatically invite uses to plex
/plexsettings setuplibs <libraries>
This command is used to setup plex libraries. Default is set to all. Libraries is a comma separated list.
/plexsettings enable
This command enables the Plex integration (currently only enables auto-add / auto-remove)
/plexsettings disable
This command disables the Plex integration (currently only disables auto-add / auto-remove)
/embysettings setup <server url> <api key> <optional: external server url (default: server url)>
This command is used to setup the Emby server. The external server URL is the URL that is sent to users to log into your Emby server.
/embysettings addrole <@role>
These role(s) will be used as the role(s) to automatically invite user to Emby
/embysettings removerole <@role>
This command is used to remove a role that is being used to automatically invite uses to Emby
/embysettings setuplibs <libraries>
This command is used to setup Emby libraries. Default is set to all. Libraries is a comma separated list.
/embysettings enable
This command enables the Emby integration (currently only enables auto-add / auto-remove)
/embysettings disable
This command disables the Emby integration (currently only disables auto-add / auto-remove)
Enable Intents else bot will not Dm users after they get the role. Discord Bot requires Bot and application.commands permission to fully function.