This module installs and enables a dhcpd server using a pre-existing configuration file or template generated outside of the module's scope. This is because all possible dhcpd configuration files would be hard to base on a single template without introducing lots of complexity, either in the amount of parameters or the structure (hashes) to pass them.
Included are a static dhcpd.conf-example
file to get started, as well as
a simple dhcpd.conf-simple.erb
template for very simple dhcpd servers.
Parameters to the main ::dhcpd
class :
: Puppet location of the conf file to use. Default: none$configcontent
: Content of the config file to use. Default: none$dhcpdargs
: Command-line arguments to be added to dhcpd. Default: empty$ensure
: Ensure parameter for the service. Default: undef$enable
: Enable parameter for the service. Default: true
Pre-existing custom static dhcpd.conf
file :
class { '::dhcpd':
configsource => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/dhcpd.conf-foo',
# Restrict listening to a single interface
dhcpdargs => 'eth1',
# Default is to enable but allow to be stopped (for active/passive)
ensure => 'running',
Trivial configuration using the included example template :
class { '::dhcpd':
configcontent => template('dhcpd/dhcpd.conf-simple.erb'),
Slightly more complex configuration using the included example template :
# Variables used from inside the template
$dhcpd_netmask = ''
$dhcpd_subnet = ''
$dhcpd_routers = ''
$dhcpd_domain_name_servers = ','
$dhcpd_range_start = '100'
$dhcpd_range_end = '254'
$dhcpd_default_lease_time = '3600'
$dhcpd_max_lease_time = '21600'
class { '::dhcpd':
configcontent => template('dhcpd/dhcpd.conf-simple.erb'),
ensure => 'running',