- Made on Postgres, Express, Node tech stack + Google's Palm2 Ai
- Link to App: https://recipebook1.onrender.com/
- If site is down (90 day life cycle on render.com) - let the code monkey know to redeploy. Latest Deploy (17 Nov, 2023)
User inputs ingredients and receives a recipe from their input
User can favorite a recipe (using heart icon) and it's added to the sidebar of favorite items
Sidebar of favorite items
User can view old saved receipes in popup modal
User can delete old saved recipes
Basic CRUD functionality of recipe items.
- get all recipes on sidebar, get one recipe from ai search, save one recipe, update user book, delete recipe item
- PALM2 ai API:
- Where to get API key: https://makersuite.google.com/app/apikey
- Is it free? Yes, sorta: https://ngyibin.medium.com/how-to-get-access-to-googles-palm-2-large-language-model-21379f27c078
- Google Cloud Console: for managing/view compute/usage stats https://console.cloud.google.com/
- Basic Hello World: https://developers.generativeai.google/tutorials/text_node_quickstart
- Why not use Bard?
- It doesn't consistently work with its cookie system:
- Resources if you want to work with Bard anyways:
- APIkey: As of 17 Nov, 2023 it is no longer available.
- Getting Cookie: https://www.automatebard.com/2023/04/17/how-to-get-cookie-value-for-bard/
- Basic Hello world: https://bard-ai.js.org/basics/ask/
- NeonDB: Free Postgres DB. See: https://neon.tech/
- Render.com: Free place for DB and other webservices. Apps spin down after 10min of inactivity and removed after (90days). See: https://dashboard.render.com/
- Expressjs: Backend web framework for api server. See: https://expressjs.com/
- CORS library: middleware for removing COR restrictions. See: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors
- json5: Makes json format more relaxed. Ai JSON responses differ sometimes. See: https://json5.org/
- Pexel Image Api: Free image api. Restrictions: the API is rate-limited to 200 requests per hour and 20,000 requests per month. See: https://www.pexels.com/api/documentation/#photos-search
- Also see Unsplash Dev as another image resource: https://unsplash.com/documentation#registering-your-application
- Vanilla JS, HTML, CSS, NodeJS.
Link to course notes and future references:
Known Bugs:
- Sometimes the ai response is not proper JSON so my parse breaks (tried to clean it up and have proper error handling, but the ai response varies a lot)
addtional features (for later):
- show multiple images for the food in a nice slide show like: https://youtu.be/PkADl0HubMY?si=LQ176HmrO-dLX5ws
- error handling for when ai responses fail
- add calorie count and serving size?
- add a health grade/sentiment for the food
- link to my ai testing ground: https://github.com/thiem-dev/bardTest
- Response example when calling the api