Setup | Code Organization | Data | Acknowledgements
This repository accompanies our research work for Geospatial Modeling of WASH Access in Colombia.
The goal of this project is to provide a means for faster, cheaper, and more scalable survey of survey of the state of WASH access using satellite images and machine learning.
To get started, create a conda environment as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Notable dependencies include:
- Anaconda3-2019.10
- earthengine-api==0.1.223
- gdal==3.1.0
This repository is divided into three main parts:
- notebooks/: contains all Jupyter notebooks for data processing and model experimentation
- scripts/: contains scripts that are part of the main workflow in notebooks/
- utils/: contains utility scripts for geospatial data pre-processing and modeling
If you need the dataset used for training, please contact ThinkingMachines or IMMAP at [email protected], [email protected].
This work is supported by the iMMAP Colombia.