The sources behind
Templates and Sass sources adapted from (MIT license).
The website sources are hosted on GitHub (here) and the website is deployed via GitHub pages.
The source code resides on the main
branch and upon every change (merged
pull request), it auto-generates the gh-pages
branch which containes the
generated HTML code.
The HTML code is generated using Zola static site generator.
To edit content, you most of the time only need to edit Markdown files. Zola auto-generates HTML from these.
To add/edit content, modify files inside the content folder. You can modify these via the web or using GitHub Desktop or using the command line by opening pull requests (change proposals).
If you want to add new pages to the navigation bar or modify the navigation
bar, modify navigation
in config.toml.
You can change the looks inside the sass folder if you know your way around CSS/Sass.
You can modify the page layouts by editing files inside the templates folder.
- Create a branch and change to the branch.
- On the branch add a file to either the articles folder or the presentations folder.
- Then in refer to it following the other examples, e.g.:
- Cvrček, Václav and Masako Fidler. 2021(preprint)/2022(forthcoming).
[No Keyword is an Island: In search of covert associations](/articles/CvrcekFidler2021.pdf). *Corpora*.
Install Zola, then run:
$ zola serve