1.0.0-beta.11 (2023-05-03)
Bug Fixes
- Add branch in the count API (#224) (6b1757f)
- add BuildIndexCollection index endpoint (#219) (0b37af6)
- Add count documents API (#223) (2459cac)
- add indexing to endpoints (#212) (44b1c39)
- Add namespace name to the user invitation (#228) (f346cf7)
- add range and field to explain (#220) (918a40f)
- Added API to get namespace information (#214) (3034722)
- Added delete namespace API (#218) (1c4a37c)
- Added list users API (#227) (784d92b)
- Adding vector distance as part of search hit response (#213) (606bf49)
- Adding vector option for vector search in Search API (#211) (d8ed63d)
- Batch create collections (62f7ea5)
- group by search queries in collection (#222) (4ffcbf5)
- list invoices api (#226) (6b1ecaa)
- user invitation API (#221) (e86d660)