Script for importing Mantis issues into (a new project in) GitLab. The created GitLab issues will have the same issue numbers are the corresponding Mantis issues. Please do not use this script against a GitLab project that has GitLab issue.
The script performs the following:
- Reads configuration file and Mantis SVN export
- Fetches GitLab Project and Members
- Fetches existing issues from GitLab Project
- For each Mantis Issue
- If a corresonding GitLab issue exists, its Title, Description, Labels and Closed status are updated
- Otherwise
- If there is a "gap" in Mantis issue numbers, "Skipped Mantis Issue" GitLab issue(s) are created
- A new GitLab issue is created with an appropriate Title, Description, Labels and Closed status
npm install -g nonplus/mantis2gitlab
m2gl -i options
m2gl -i /absolute/path/to/file/mantis_bug_table.csv -c /absolute/path/to/file/export.json -g -p gitlabnamespace/gitlabproject -t tPhrvBzP_kpqVvq_G5jZ -s gitlab_user1
-i, --input CSV file exported from Mantis (Example: issues.csv) [required]
-c, --config Configuration file (Example: config.json) [required]
-g, --gitlaburl GitLab URL hostname (Example: [required]
-p, --project GitLab project name including namespace (Example: mycorp/myproj) [required]
-t, --token An admin user's private token (Example: a2r33oczFyQzq53t23Vj) [required]
-s, --sudo The username performing the import (Example: bob) [required]
-f, --from The first issue # to import (Example: 123)
In order to correctly map Mantis attributes you should create a JSON file and specify it with the -c switch.
Called export.json in above commandline call
"users": {
"mantisuser1": {
"gl_username": "gitlab_user1"
"mantisuser2": {
"gl_username": "gitlab_user2"
"mantisUrl": "",
"closed_statuses": {
"80": true,
"resolved": true,
"90": true,
"closed": true
"priority_labels": {},
"severity_labels": {},
"category_labels": {}
This section maps Mantis username
(Reporter, Assigned To, etc.) to a corresponding GitLab user name.
"users": {
"mantisUserName1": {
"gl_username": "GitLabUserName1"
"mantisUserName2": {
"gl_username": "GitLabUserName2"
This setting defines the URL to the old mantis installation. When specified, Mantis cases imported in GitLab will contain a back-link to their corresponding Mantis issue.
"mantisUrl": ""
This section maps Mantis Categories to corresponding GitLab labels.
"category_labels": {
"Admin UI": "area:Admin",
"Voter UI": "area:Voter",
"Server": "area:Service"
This section maps which Mantis Statuses indicate that the issue is closed. Note that the numeric severities are used when exporting from SQL.
"closed_statuses": {
"80": true,
"resolved": true,
"90": true,
"closed": true
The input to this script is a CSV file with the following columns:
- Will create a corresponding GitLab IssueSummary
- Will create a corresponding GitLab TitleCategory
- Will create a corresponding GitLab Label fromconfig.category_labels[Category]
- Will create a corresponding GitLab Label fromconfig.priority_labels[Priority]
- Will create a corresponding GitLab Label fromconfig.severity_labels[Severity]
- Will be included in the Description headerUpdated
- Will be included in the Description header, if different fromCreated
- Will be included in the Description headerAssigned To
- Will be included in the Description headerDescription
- Will be included in the DescriptionInfo
- Will be appended the DescriptionNotes
- Will be split on"$$$$"
and appended the Description
You can export a summary of the Mantis issues from the View Issues page by clicking on the Export CSV button.
Note: This export will only include a subset of the issues and is not the recommended approach.
The following SQL query pulls all the supported columns from the Mantis database. Make sure you specify the correct PROJECT_NAME
SELECT as Id, as Project,
bug.category as Category,
bug.summary as Summary,
bug.priority as Priority,
bug.severity as Severity,
bug.status as Status,
bug.date_submitted as Created,
bug.last_updated as Updated,
reporter.username as Reporter,
handler.username as "Assigned To",
bug_text.description as Description,
bug_text.additional_information as Info,
CONCAt('*', bugnote.date_submitted, ' - ', note_reporter.username, '*
', bugnote_text.note)
ORDER BY bugnote.Id
) as Notes
mantis_bug_table as bug
JOIN mantis_project_table project ON bug.project_id =
JOIN mantis_bug_text_table bug_text ON bug.bug_text_id =
JOIN mantis_user_table as reporter ON bug.reporter_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_user_table as handler ON bug.handler_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_bugnote_table as bugnote ON bugnote.bug_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_bugnote_text_table as bugnote_text ON bugnote.bugnote_text_id =
LEFT OUTER JOIN mantis_user_table as note_reporter ON bugnote.reporter_id =
- Make sure the input CSV file only includes issues for the project you want to import.
- In version 6.4.3, GitLab API does not support setting creation date of issues. So all imported issues will have a creation time of now.
- In version 6.4.3, GitLab API fails to import issues with very long titles.
- In version 6.4.3, GitLab does not allow issues to be deleted. So be careful when importing issues into an active project.
- Milestones are not currently supported.
- 2.0
- Updated to make it work (roughly) with Gitlab CE 11
- 1.0
- Initial release
Tim Wiel
Stepan Riha
Based on
Copyright 2015 Stepan Riha
Licensed under the The MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.