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Python interpreter for TLA+ specifications


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pluspy is a TLA+ interpreter, written in Python.

Run "./pluspy -h" for basic help. The output should be something like:

Usage: pluspy [options] [module]
    -c cnt: #times that Next should be evaluated
    -h: help
    -i: Init operator (default Init)
    -n: Next operator (default Next)
    -P path: module directory search path
    -s: silent output
    -S seed: random seed for reproducible tests
    -v: verbose output

You can also invoke pluspy with "-i Spec" where Spec is a full TLA+ specification. Try for example "./pluspy -i Spec Prime", which should print the prime numbers.

pluspy is a Bash shell script. If you can't run it, try "python3" instead.

-------- EXAMPLE 1: HourClock --------

Run "./pluspy -c2 HourClock"

The output should be something like:

Initial context: [ hr: 6 ]
Next state: 0 [ hr: 7 ]
Next state: 1 [ hr: 8 ]

You can find the HourClock module in modules/book/HourClock.tla. The interpreter shows three "contexts", which are assignments of constants and variables to values. It first shows the "Initial context," computed by the "Init" operator in HourClock.tla. (The initial value of hr is a random number between 1 and 12.) Then it shows two more contexts computed by the "Next" operator in HourClock.tla. The number of steps can be controlled with the "-c" option to pluspy.

You should be able to run Peterson.tla, Prime.tla, and Qsort.tla in much the same way, but try larger -c counts for those.

-------- EXAMPLE 2: Threads --------

The Peterson module has multiple processes. PlusPy can run each as a separate thread. Run: "./pluspy -c100 -n proc%0 -n proc%1 Peterson". "proc" is an operator in the Peterson module that takes an argument. The "-n x%y" argument to pluspy starts a thread that repeatedly evaluates the x operator with argument y instead of the default "Next". You may also want to try: "./pluspy -c100 -n proc%0 Peterson" and "./pluspy -c100 -n proc%1 Peterson" which each will run just one of the processes.

Using the new JWait/JSignalReturn interfaces in TLCExt, threads can use condition variables. See modules/other/BoundedQueueSplit.tla for an example. Run as follows:

./pluspy -n producer%p1 -c100 -n producer%p2 -n producer%p3 \
            -n consumer%c1 -n consumer%c2 -n consumer%c3 TestBQ

(This won't work if you try to run this without threads.)

-------- EXAMPLE 3: Sending and Receiving Messages --------

Open three windows. Run the following commands, one in each of the windows:

./pluspy -c100 -n Proc%localhost:5001 TestBinBosco
./pluspy -c100 -n Proc%localhost:5002 TestBinBosco
./pluspy -c100 -n Proc%localhost:5003 TestBinBosco

The Proc action takes one argument, the process identifier,

The processes will actually send and receive messages, trying to solve consensus. Although BinBosco has no rule to actually decide, in all likelihood they will each end up with the same estimate after about five rounds. Only three of the four processes can do so. You can inspect the output and see the state of each of the processes and the set Messages. The "processes" variable of localhost:5001 should contain something like the following in the end:

    "localhost:5001" |-> [ estimate |-> "red",  round |-> 5 ],
    "localhost:5002" |-> [ estimate |-> "blue", round |-> 0 ],
    "localhost:5003" |-> [ estimate |-> "red",  round |-> 0 ],
    "localhost:5004" |-> [ estimate |-> "blue", round |-> 0 ]

Similarly, the "processes" variable of localhost:5002 might contain:

    "localhost:5001" |-> [ estimate |-> "red",  round |-> 0 ],
    "localhost:5002" |-> [ estimate |-> "red",  round |-> 5 ],
    "localhost:5003" |-> [ estimate |-> "red",  round |-> 0 ],
    "localhost:5004" |-> [ estimate |-> "blue", round |-> 0 ]

Note that all processes end up with the same estimate, probably around round 5. Running BinBosco this way is a little odd, as each pluspy process only updates part of what is really supposed to be a global state. You can imagine there being a refinement mapping to the virtual global state, where the local state of TLA+ process i in pluspy process i maps to the state of TLA+ process i in the global state.

Messaging is specified in the modules/lib/Messaging.tla module. Besides the message interface variable mi, there are the following three operators exported:

Init                        \* initializes mi
Send(msgs)                  \* sends the given << destination, payload >> messages
Receive(p, Deliver(_, _))   \* wait for a message for p and call Deliver(p, payload)

The spec proper is specified after the comment "*++:SPEC". If you look further you'll find a second comment "*++:PlusPy". This is where the implementation of the messaging module starts. It uses the IOUtils module described below.

-------- The IOUtils module --------

PlusPy exports a module in modules/lib/IOUtils.tla that allows processes to do various kinds of I/O. There are currently three kinds of interfaces defined: "fd", "tcp", and "local". For "fd", there are three muxes: "stdin", "stdout", and "stderr". For example IOPut("fd", "stdout", "hello") prints hello. Note that all I/O is "deferred": it is only performed if the action in which it occurs evaluates to TRUE.

The modules/lib/Input.tla module shows how one can read from standard input. The Input.tla module is "pure TLA+" -- it has no implied variable. It also provides an example of the "*++:SPEC" and "*++:PlusPy" sections.

To send and receive TCP messages, use the "tcp" interface and use as "mux" a TCP/IP address of the form "x.x.x.x:port".

The "local" interface is a little like the IP loopback interface. It allows sending messages to self.

-------- TLA+ value representations in Python --------

The basic values are booleans, numbers, and strings:

FALSE:      False
TRUE:       True
number:     number
string:     string

TLA+ sets are represented as Python frozensets, A frozenset is like a Python set but is hashable because it cannot be modified.

Essentially, a tuple is represented as a tuple, and a record as a pluspy.FrozenDict.

However, to ensure that equal values have the same representation, records that are tuples (because their keys are in the range 1..len) are represented as tuples, and tuples that are strings (because all their elements are characters) are represented as strings. In particular, empty records and tuples are represented as the empty string.

There is also a "Nonce" type for "CHOOSE x: x \notin S" expressions.

Note that in Python False == 0 and True == 1. This can lead to weird behaviors.

For example, { False, 0 } == { False } == { 0 } == { 0, False }.

-------- PlusPy Module -------- PlusPy can also be used as a Python module, so you integrate Python and TLA+ programs quite easily. The interface is as follows:

pp = pluspy.PlusPy(module, constants={})
    'module' is a string containing either a file name or the
    name of a TLA+ module.  Constants is a dictionary that maps
    constant names to values (see TLA+ value represenations.)

    'Init' is a string containing the name of the 'init' operator
    in the TLA+ formula: "Spec == Init /\ [][Next]".  You can also
    pass the "Spec" operator, but it will not give back control
    until "Next" evaluates to FALSE.  Also, does not implement
    environment variables at the moment., arg=None)
    'Next' is a string containing the name of the 'Next' operator
    in the TLA+ formula: "Spec == Init /\ [][Next]".  If Next takes
    an argument, "arg" contains its value.  It returns True if some
    action was enabled and False if no action was enabled.  Typically is called within a loop.  Interface state variables
    can be changed in the loop if desired.

    Checks to see if the state has changed after

value = pp.get(variable)
    "variable" is a string containing the name of a variable.  Its
    value is returned.  For the representation of TLA+ values, see

value = pp.getall():
    returns a single record value containing all variables

pp.set(variable, value)
    "variable" is a string containing the name of a variable.  Its
    value is set to "value".  For the representation of TLA+ values,
    see below.

v = pluspy.format(v):
    Convert a value to a string formatted in TLA+ format

v = pluspy.convert(v):
    Convert a value to something a little more normal and better for
    handling in Python.  In particular, it turns records into dictionaries,
    and frozensets into lists

-------- PlusPy Wrappers --------

PlusPy allows operators in specified modules to be replaced by Python code. You can specify this in the pluspy.wrappers variable. For example:

class LenWrapper(pluspy.Wrapper):
    def eval(self, id, args):
        assert id == "Len"
        assert len(args) == 1
        return len(args[0])

pluspy.wrappers["Sequences"] = {
    "Len": LenWrapper()

The IOUtils module is implemented using a wrapper.

-------- Discussion of interfacing between Python and TLA+ --------

PlusPy allows TLA+ and Python to interface in a variety of ways, as demonstrated above. It is important to try to avoid ad hoc solutions. The Messaging and Input modules provide a clean separation between the TLA+ world and the Python world. They can be used with the TLC model checker or TLAPS to validate your code. The IOUtils module is outside the TLA+ world, so if you extend it, try to do it through a module that has clean semantics.

Similarly, while it is possible to invoke operators other than "Spec" directly from Python, and while it is possible to write state variables directly from Python, this circumvents the TLA+ framework. Use caution.


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