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SPHINX Quickstart

container to generate SPHINXneeds documentation. Will output HTML and PDF

Contribution / Changes

  • thanks @PhE for adding french language support (2018-02-07)

Running the container

as prebuild docker image

    docker run --name sphinxneeds --rm \
    -e "Project=Sphinx in a docker" \
    -e "Author=Till Witt" \
    -e "Version=v1.0" \
    -e "language=de" \
    -v "$(pwd)/input:/project/input" \
    -v "$(pwd)/output:/project/output" \
    -i -t tlwt/sphinxneeds-docker

Single run vs watch mode

By default, the container will end after a single build of the documentation.

If you change the entry-point to /tools/ the input project folder will by watched for any file update. A new build will be triggered after each change.

    docker run --name sphinxneeds --rm \
    --entrypoint /tools/ \
    -v "$(pwd)/input:/project/input" \
    -v "$(pwd)/output:/project/output" \
    -i -t tlwt/sphinxneeds-docker

self built

check out this repository and follow the steps below.

Build the container with:

    docker build -t sphinxneeds_image .

the input folder should contain the project documentation.

The output folder should be empty. Existing content may be overwritten!

Run the container with

    docker run --name sphinxneeds --rm \
    -e "Project=Sphinx in a docker" \
    -e "Author=Till Witt" \
    -e "Version=v1.0" \
    -e "language=de" \
    -v "$(pwd)/input:/project/input" \
    -v "$(pwd)/output:/project/output" \
    -i -t sphinxneeds_image

as part of

documentation: # updating the documentation
  image: tlwt/sphinxneeds-docker
    - "Project=YourProjectNameHere"
    - "Author=YourAuthors"
    - "Version=YourVersionHere"
    - "language=de"
    - mkdir -p /project/tmp
    - ln -s $PWD/yourInputDocuments /project/input
    - mkdir -p $PWD/yourOutputDocuments    
    - ln -s $PWD/yourOutputDocuments /project/output
    - cd /project/tmp
    - /tools/