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SQLAlchemy related fixtures to handle connections and transactions with SQLAlchemy in tests.

This package isn't actively maintained anymore. I wrote it years ago to make testing more easy in my own project. I was (and still am) happy that it is useful to some other people. However I don't find time to work on this project anymore. If you are interested in taking over the maintainance, please reach out to me.


This plugin provides the following fixtures which gives access to the SQLAlchmey objects of the same name.

  • engine The engine used to connect to the database. Scope is "module".
  • connection An open connection to the database. Scope is "module".

See Working with Engines and Conncetions on how to use this fixtues.

  • transaction A started transaction on the connection. Transaction will be rolled back. No Scope.

See Using Transactions on how to use this fixtures

  • dbsession A sqlalchemy session not bound to any model. No scope.

See Session Basisc to learn about how to use sessions.


The fixtures can be used in your tests like any other Pytest Fixtures.


import pytest
from pytest_sqlalchemy import connection

def test_connection(connection):
    # Do fancy stuff with the connection.
    # Note you will not need to close the connection. This is done
    # automatically when the scope (module) of the fixtures ends.
    assert connection


You need to provide the connection URL for the engine when invoking the pytest command::

pytest --sqlalchemy-connect-url="postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/mydatabase"

Or override the sqlalchemy_connect_url fixture on your conftest file:

def sqlalchemy_connect_url():
    return 'postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/mydatabase'