This project is a simple centralized BNB/ETH payment gateway. It allows user to receive payments and splits received amount to different wallets.
This can used with any ETH derivated blockchain
Bitcoin will be added soon (if possible)
This system actually create a new wallet for any new transaction.
It has a Cron Job which is used to validate all transactions, can also help you to have transaction history
You can use it for a multivendor platform where you receive a % of any sales made on the system before sending remaining amount to the seller. Feel free to implement merchant and database logic
This project has not been audited and may have security issues, use it for educational purpose only or try to improve security.
Feel free to run this project. It comes with a simple demo user interface made with some javascript frontend code to open metamask and send transactions.
Node package manager
npm install
npx hardhat compile
This project come with built in API which can be serve using following command
Node server.js
Tools used to create this project
People who participated in this project development from day one
- Tommy Theodore - Initial work - tommy509
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT. ISC
- Let the world know about this project 📢
- If it was useful to you buy us a beer🍺 or a coffee☕.
- Thanks a lot for reading🤓.
⌨️ with ❤️ by tommy509 😊