✨ Makes text fit perfectly
Dec 16, 2023 - JavaScript
A font is the reference of size, weight, and style of a particular text. The weight of a particular font is the thickness of the character outlines. Size is typically measured in points, which is a vertical measurement of lettering.
✨ Makes text fit perfectly
Highly customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash
Brings Apple's vibrant emojis to your Linux experience
Android Rich Text Editor With customized spans - 富文本编辑器 - Don't miss this one :)
Resposive fontSize, height and width for react-native components, that automatically adjusts itself based on screen-size of the device.
Automagical responsive typography, built on PostCSS
An AngularJS directive for inflating web type.
Typographic modular scale starter based on body's font-size built on SCSS.
AVFonts for change/swap fontname throughout app.
TailwindCSS Plugin to integrate with Inter Typeface
Buttons to add/remove contrast and increase/decrease font size.
An Angular2+ directive that autoscale the font size of an element until it fit the upper level container dimension.
A Tailwind CSS plugin to set the base font size in proportion to Tailwind's default utility values.
Accessibility assistant for all your basic needs. Serves as a linter for compliant color contrast and type based on WCAG 2.1. Thanks to Ale Muñoz for his support and docs!
Typeboost.css is a set of CSS rules to ensure readable, scalable and responsive typography. REMs are used for font sizes, paddings, and margins. It's like typography normalizer. No dependencies. Wrap your HTML content with class .col and you are done.