- Here I use
to associate withjupyter
. - The
's built from here. - You must clone all files into your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/tranvietphuoc/images.git
- Then run:
cd ./images/jupyter/ && docker image build -t <Image-Name> .
- After building completed, then run:
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -v $(pwd):/home/phuoc/work <Image-Name>:latest
- Notice that
must be change. And use-v $(pwd):/home/phuoc/work
to associate the image with local folder. - Base on Jupyter Docker Stacks...
- Or you can use
docker pull phuoctv/jupyter:latest
to pull the image. Then run the command above. - If unable to use
docker run...
then change the<Image-Name>:latest
to image id of the commanddocker images