The name is Travis - a software engineer who is passionate about making open source more accessible, creating new concepts to elevate inspiration and technologies, and enhancing communities.
- Learning in public on Stack Overflow 💡⚡
- Sharing ideas, updates, and articles on Twitter 🌱💬
- More about the technologies and software that I use at StackShare 💻⚙
- You can also find my CV/Resume online at Linkedin🎓📚
- And you can catch me hanging around 🤓🧾
- A complete overview of my GitHub contributions can be reviewed at ✔ 📊
- MariaDB Server - Feature request: Support for ST_Distance_Sphere() (2017-08-08)
- JetBrains DataGrip - Distinct Selection Feature (2021-04-20)
- CakePHP - Removed @throws tags from IntegrationTestTrait HTTP Methods
- Event Espresso 4 Core (WordPress) - Changing Price from Action/Filter Hook (Registration)
- Corcel (WordPress) - Avoiding PHP Notice
- History Master - Not Displaying Today