Releases: tryphotino/photino.Blazor
Releases · tryphotino/photino.Blazor
What's Changed
- Merge Debug branch v3.2 by @MikeYeager in #141
- Update .NET ref to 4.0. Update version to 4.0. Add .NET 9 support. by @MikeYeager in #148
Full Changelog: v3.1.10...v4.0.13
What's Changed
- Override IFileProvider for static file assets by @joHerbst72 in #118
- Merge v3.0 from Debug by @MikeYeager in #120
- Updated to latest Photino.NET 3.1.14 annd bumped version to 3.1 by @MikeYeager in #127
- Removed UTF16 support. by @MikeYeager in #131
- Updated to Photino.NET 3.1.18 by @philippjbauer in #137
New Contributors
- @joHerbst72 made their first contribution in #118
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v3.1.10
What's Changed
- Corrected error in sample code. by @CaffeinatedCoder in #78
- .Load now works and allows user to override default start page. by @MikeYeager in #89
- feat: Add multi-window sample project by @gnalvesteffer in #90
- Added SetUseOsDefaultSize(false) to class PhotinoBlazorApp by @Rai4n in #93
- Revert "Added SetUseOsDefaultSize(false) to class PhotinoBlazorApp" by @MikeYeager in #95
New Contributors
- @CaffeinatedCoder made their first contribution in #78
- @gnalvesteffer made their first contribution in #90
- @Rai4n made their first contribution in #93
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0
Updated Photino.NET to latest version (2.4.0)
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0
What's Changed
- Refactor to increase reliance on dependency injection by @whyvra in #59
- Add support for NativeAOT by @kant2002 in #72
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #74
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.3.2
What's Changed
- New build stuff. by @MikeYeager in #1
- Removed .nuspec file from project. by @MikeYeager in #2
- Second attempt to publish .Blazor to by @MikeYeager in #3
- Added code to handle all mime types. by @MikeYeager in #4
- Renamed PhotinoNET.PhotinoNET to PhotinoNET.PhotinoWindow. by @MikeYeager in #5
- Updated ReadMe by @MikeYeager in #6
- Fix breaking changes to Photino.NET by @MikeYeager in #7
- Updated to latest .NET package by @MikeYeager in #8
- Update packages by @NathanielACollier in #24
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #26
- Update from master by @MikeYeager in #27
- Rewrite to use Microsoft.AspNetCore.Componets.WebView by @tomlm in #30
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #31
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #32
- fix bug where dotnet publish of an app doesn't find root index.html by @tomlm in #38
- Added configuration for IServiceProvider and hot fix for call MessageReceived. by @NewMySQL in #35
- Add icon to Photino.Blazor nuget package and sample by @tomlm in #36
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #41
- Rename Index.html to index.html in Samples by @JinShil in #42
- Fixed linux/osx startup by @Denny09310 in #46
- Fix hasFileExtension check by @domialex in #50
- Revert "Fix hasFileExtension check" by @MikeYeager in #51
- Fix not correct response if have
in query. by @kefengwei in #48 - Clean up unused csproj and nullable reference type warnings by @domialex in #49
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #52
- Updated README with [STAThread] by @Aeroverra in #56
- fix message receive and add appid by @NothingToHere in #54
- [PhotinoWebViewManager] fix Dispatcher SendMessage by @gepa21 in #60
- Debug by @MikeYeager in #63
- Fix issue with AppBaseUri introduced 5/25/2022. Removed custom attrib… by @MikeYeager in #64
- DI changes and nuget package updates by @ottodobretsberger in #67
New Contributors
- @MikeYeager made their first contribution in #1
- @NathanielACollier made their first contribution in #24
- @tomlm made their first contribution in #30
- @NewMySQL made their first contribution in #35
- @JinShil made their first contribution in #42
- @Denny09310 made their first contribution in #46
- @domialex made their first contribution in #50
- @kefengwei made their first contribution in #48
- @Aeroverra made their first contribution in #56
- @NothingToHere made their first contribution in #54
- @gepa21 made their first contribution in #60
- @ottodobretsberger made their first contribution in #67
Full Changelog: