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Fix various issues in insert_into_cell() #215

Fix various issues in insert_into_cell()

Fix various issues in insert_into_cell() #215

Workflow file for this run

name: Rust Benchmarks+Nyrkiö
branches: [ "main", "master", "notmain" ]
branches: [ "main", "notmain", "master" ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: test
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
# cache: 'npm'
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: npm install && npm run build
- name: Bench
run: cargo bench 2>&1 | tee output.txt
# - name: Bench (fake)
# run: |
# pwd
# ls
# cp .github/data/limbo-cargo-output.txt output.txt
- name: Analyze benchmark result with Nyrkiö
uses: nyrkio/github-action-benchmark@HEAD
name: turso
tool: criterion
output-file-path: output.txt
# What to do if a change is immediately detected by Nyrkiö.
# Note that smaller changes are only detected with delay, usually after a change
# persisted over 2-7 commits. Go to nyrkiö.com to view those or configure alerts.
# Note that Nyrkiö will find all changes, also improvements. This means fail-on-alert
# on pull events isn't compatible with this workflow being required to pass branch protection.
fail-on-alert: false
comment-on-alert: true
comment-always: false
# Nyrkiö configuration
nyrkio-enable: true
# Get yours from
nyrkio-token: ${{ secrets.NYRKIO_JWT_TOKEN }}
# You may not want share the NYRKIO_JWT_TOKEN token with pull requests, for example.
# In that case this task would unnecessarily fail for random contributors. Don't want that:
never-fail: true
# Make results and change points public, so that any oss contributor can see them
nyrkio-public: true
# Make results and change points public, so that any oss contributor can see them
nyrkio-settings-pvalue: 0.01%
nyrkio-settings-threshold: 2%
# Old way...
# Explicitly set this to null. We don't want threshold based alerts today.
external-data-json-path: null
gh-repository: null
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: test
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
- name: Clickbench
run: make clickbench
- name: Analyze LIMBO result with Nyrkiö
uses: nyrkio/github-action-benchmark@HEAD
name: clickbench/limbo
tool: time
output-file-path: clickbench-limbo.txt
# What to do if a change is immediately detected by Nyrkiö.
# Note that smaller changes are only detected with delay, usually after a change
# persisted over 2-7 commits. Go to nyrkiö.com to view those or configure alerts.
# Note that Nyrkiö will find all changes, also improvements. This means fail-on-alert
# on pull events isn't compatible with this workflow being required to pass branch protection.
fail-on-alert: false
comment-on-alert: true
comment-always: false
# Nyrkiö configuration
nyrkio-enable: true
# Get yours from
nyrkio-token: ${{ secrets.NYRKIO_JWT_TOKEN }}
# You may not want share the NYRKIO_JWT_TOKEN token with pull requests, for example.
# In that case this task would unnecessarily fail for random contributors. Don't want that:
never-fail: true
# Make results and change points public, so that any oss contributor can see them
nyrkio-public: true
# Team support = results are visible and manageable to everyone in the same Github org
# nyrkio-org: tursodatabase
# Old way...
# Explicitly set this to null. We don't want threshold based alerts today.
external-data-json-path: null
gh-repository: null
- name: Analyze SQLITE3 result with Nyrkiö
uses: nyrkio/github-action-benchmark@HEAD
name: clickbench/sqlite3
tool: time
output-file-path: clickbench-sqlite3.txt
fail-on-alert: false
comment-on-alert: true
comment-always: false
nyrkio-enable: true
nyrkio-token: ${{ secrets.NYRKIO_JWT_TOKEN }}
never-fail: true
nyrkio-public: true
# nyrkio-org: tursodatabase
external-data-json-path: null
gh-repository: null