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Note: This is just template text, please adjust to your needs

This is a project template to be used to kickstart a django based website.

This template includes:

  • A base layout and bootstrap scaffolding.
  • Dev tools such as ipdb or django-debug-toolbar.
  • A modern toolchain for javascript and sass.
  • Some random sugar.


Clone this package:

$ git clone git://

Setup and activate a virtual environment:

$ cd ~/venvs/ # or wherever you want
$ virtualenv {{project_name}} -ppython3
$ source {{project_name}}/bin/activate

Setup your python dependencies:

({{project_name}})$ cd ~/Projects/{{project_name}} # wherever you cloned this
({{project_name}})$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the package in development mode:

({{project_name}})$ python develop

Create a blank application

$ startapp  <app_name>

Add it to INSTALLED_APPS in {{project_name}}/ and define your environment settings in a blank {{project_name}}/
'default': {
    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 
    'NAME': '{{project_name}}',
    'USER': 'postgres',
    'PASSWORD': '',
    'HOST': '',
    'PORT': '',

Initialize your database as usual.

First create your schemas and run default migrations:

$ {{project_name}} migrate

Note that {{project_name}} is django's usual management wrapper made available session-wide by setup tools.

Whenever you made further changes to your models run:

$ {{project_name}} makemigrations <app_name>

Static assets toolchain.

We rely on npm and grunt to handle the static assets dependency management and build tasks. Under the hood it is using:

  • webpack: Javascript bundle
  • babel: JS Compiler, allowes us to use ecmascript 6 syntax.
  • sass: CSS compiler, allowes us to use variables and mixins.
  • bootstrap: In it's official sass port, it is the most widely used layout framework with a large variety of built-in components.

While using this tools should be transparent to you as dev. Knowing their roles, uses and pitfals will help you write better code (and to fix them if they brake :).

We also ship eslint and stylelint.

To install the required tools and libraries use:

$ npm install  

Then you may run:

$ grunt

By default this is run in watch mode and will listen for changes in the assets folder as well as package.json and Grunfile.js files.

This will populate the static/ folder which will be served by django's development server.

Now you are ready to run the development server:

$ {{project_name}} runserver

Licence notice:

© 2016 {{project_name}} - {{author}}, A copy of the project licence is available at COPYING.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Python 41.4%
  • JavaScript 27.3%
  • HTML 25.8%
  • Nginx 3.0%
  • CSS 2.5%