A Web Component and accompanying Elm package for rendering oembed content.
Width and height are sized dynamically based on the loaded content. Script tags are
safely loaded within an iframe
is a protocol, with many providers implementing it.
It allows you to turn a URL into embeddable content.
These examples will render a YouTube player, an embedded Tweet, a Giphy .gif
of the desired dimensions,
and an Elm code snippet in Ellie. Check out the examples
folder to see it in action!
div []
[ Oembed.viewOrDiscover Nothing "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43eM4kNbb6c"
, Oembed.viewOrDiscover Nothing "https://twitter.com/dillontkearns/status/1105250778233491456"
, Oembed.viewOrDiscover (Just { maxWidth = 250, maxHeight = 1000 }) "https://giphy.com/gifs/art-weird-ewan-26hiu3mZVquuykwhy"
, Oembed.viewOrDiscover Nothing "https://ellie-app.com/4Xt4jdgtnZ2a1"
Just load the Web Component like so:
npm install --save-dev elm-oembed
import "elm-oembed";