Welcome to the Data Pipelines with Airflow project! This endeavor will provide you with a solid understanding of Apache Airflow's core concepts. Your task involves creating custom operators to execute essential functions like staging data, populating a data warehouse, and validating data through the pipeline.
To begin, we've equipped you with a project template that streamlines imports and includes four unimplemented operators. These operators need your attention to turn them into functional components of a data pipeline. The template also outlines tasks that must be interconnected for a coherent and logical data flow.
A helper class containing all necessary SQL transformations is at your disposal. While you won't have to write the ETL processes, your responsibility lies in executing them using your custom operators.
Ensure Docker Desktop is installed before proceeding.
To bring up the entire app stack up, we use docker-compose as shown below
docker-compose up -d
Visit http://localhost:8080 once all containers are up and running.
On the Airflow web server UI, use airflow
for both username and password.
- Post-login, navigate to Admin > Connections to add required connections - specifically,
. - Don't forget to start your Redshift cluster via the AWS console.
- After completing these steps, run your DAG to ensure all tasks are successfully executed.
The project template package comprises three key components:
- The DAG template includes imports and task templates but lacks task dependencies.
- The operators folder with operator templates.
- A helper class for SQL transformations.
With these template files, you should see the new DAG in the Airflow UI, with a graph view resembling the screenshot below:
You should be able to execute the DAG successfully, but if you check the logs, you will see only
operator not implemented
In the DAG, add default parameters
based on these guidelines:
- No dependencies on past runs.
- Tasks are retried three times on failure.
- Retries occur every five minutes.
- Catchup is turned off.
- No email on retry.
Additionally, configure task dependencies to match the flow depicted in the image below:
To complete the project, build four operators for staging data, transforming data, and performing data quality checks. While you can reuse code from Project 2, leverage Airflow's built-in functionalities like connections and hooks whenever possible to let Airflow handle the heavy lifting.
Load any JSON-formatted files from S3 to Amazon Redshift using the stage operator. The operator should create and run a SQL COPY statement based on provided parameters, distinguishing between JSON files. It should also support loading timestamped files from S3 based on execution time for backfills.
Utilize the provided SQL helper class for data transformations. These operators take a SQL statement, target database, and optional target table as input. For dimension loads, implement the truncate-insert pattern, allowing for switching between insert modes. Fact tables should support append-only functionality.
Create the data quality operator to run checks on the data using SQL-based test cases and expected results. The operator should raise an exception and initiate task retry and eventual failure if test results don't match expectations.
Before diving into development, familiarize yourself with the following files:
- plugins/operators/data_quality.py
- plugins/operators/load_fact.py
- plugins/operators/load_dimension.py
- plugins/operators/stage_redshift.py
- plugins/helpers/sql_queries.py
- dags/final_project.py
Now you're ready to embark on this exciting journey into the world of Data Pipelines with Airflow!