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All configuration items for Blog

witt edited this page Mar 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

Hello everyone, welcome to blog.

Here is the detailed config document, you don't need to understand everything. Don't worry, No matter how many config items you fill in, the blog will always run normally!

Blog Config

The configuration of the Blog uses the blog.config.js file in the root directory.

  // your name, default is 'Anonymous'
  author: 'Witt',

  // blog title, show on the browser's tab
  title: 'Witt -',

  // blog description, provide for search engine display
  description: '',

  // your short introduction, show at the top of each page
  summary: '',

  language: 'en-us',

  // number of the homepage list
  latestLimit: 5,

  // common label texts
  labels: {
    default: 'posts',
    latest: 'latest',
    list: 'all posts',

  // your social names
  email: '[email protected]',
  github: 'unix',
  twitter: 'echo_witt',
  domain: '',
  // page view analysis, you can register here:
  googleAnalytics: 'UA-110371817-3',

  // show article views, 
  // submit your domain name here to use:
  enableViews: false,
  // layout styles 
  layouts: {
    pageWidth: '750px',
    pageWidthMobile: '88vw',
    pageFontSize: '1rem',

Note: Do you want any new configs? please let me know.

Article Config

You should notice, there are meta configuration items in each .mdx file:

export const meta = {
  // REQUIRED! article title.
  title: 'Hello World',

  // REQUIRED! create date. 
  // the file created using the `npm run post` command will automatically fill in this. 
  date: '2019-06-03T11:38:04.563Z',

  // Optional. description for search engine and social media.
  description: '',

  // Optional. image for search engine and social media.
  // If others share your articles on social media, this image will be displayed first.
  // must be a complete url address.
  image: '',
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