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PHAST is a 3-dimensional, reactive-transport simulator that is available for Windows and Linux.
PHAST simulates constant-density saturated flow, multicomponent transport, and a wide range of
equilibrium and kinetic chemical reactions. PHAST version 3 uses PhreeqcRM as the reaction
module; however, all input and output is unchanged from PHAST version 2.


   A. Distribution files
   B. Documentation
   C. Installing the Windows GUI Phast4Windows
   D. Installing and running the batch version for Windows
   E. Compiling, installing, and running the batch version for Linux
   F. Running PHASTHDF to extract data from the HDF file
   G. Running Model Viewer to visualize results on Windows
   H. Input files
   I. Examples
   J. Contacts

A. Distribution files

The following distribution packages of the batch version of PHREEQC are available
for Windows and Linux:
phast4windows-@VERSION@-@[email protected]         Windows GUI for developing and running PHAST 
                                                   models. 64-bit executable compiled using 
                                                   Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.

phast-@VERSION@-@[email protected]                 Windows batch version for running PHAST models.
						   Executable compiled with Microsoft Visual C++
phast-@VERSION@-@[email protected]                  Linux batch version for running PHAST models.
						   Requires compilation using configure.

B. Documentation


   Parkhurst, D.L., Kipp, K.L., and Charlton, S.R., 2010, PHAST Version 2�A program for simulating
      groundwater flow, solute transport, and multicomponent geochemical reactions: U.S. Geological
      Survey Techniques and Methods 6�A35, 235 p.
   Parkhurst, D.L., Kipp, K.L., Engesgaard, Peter, and Charlton, S.R., 2004, PHAST�A program for
      simulating ground-water flow, solute transport, and multicomponent geochemical reactions:
      U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6�A8, 154 p.

   Parkhurst, D.L., and Wissmeier, Laurin, 2015, PhreeqcRM--A reaction module for transport
      simulators based on the geochemical model PHREEQC: Advances in Water Resources, v. 83, p.

   Parkhurst, D.L., and Appelo, C.A.J., 2013, Description of input and examples for PHREEQC version
      3--A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one- dimensional transport, and inverse
      geochemical calculations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A43,
      497 p.

   Parkhurst, D.L., and Appelo, C.A.J., 1999, User's guide to PHREEQC (Version 2)-- A computer
      program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical
      calculations: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4259, 312 p.

   Charlton, S.R., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2011, Modules based on the geochemical model PHREEQC for use in
      scripting and programming languages: Computers & Geosciences, v. 37, p. 1653-1663.

   Charlton, S.R., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2002, PhreeqcI--A graphical user interface to the
      geochemical model PHREEQC: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-031-02, 2 p.


   The following two reports document the theory and implementation of isotopes in PHREEQC.
   Portable Document Format (PDF) of Thorstenson and Parkhurst (2002) is included in the doc
   subdirectory of the PHREEQC program distribution.

   Thorstenson, D.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2002, Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium
      constants for implementation in geochemical models: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources
      Investigations Report 02-4172, 129 p.

   Thorstenson, D.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2004, Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium
      constants for geochemical reactions: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 68, no. 11, p.

C. Installing the Windows GUI Phast4Windows

You need administrator privileges to execute the installation file
phast4windows-@VERSION@-@[email protected].

To install the GUI, execute phast4windows-@VERSION@-@[email protected]. Follow the directions on
the screen to install the program. The GUI is completely independent from the batch version of

To execute the GUI, access the program through the start menus of Windows. 

By default, Phast4Windows is installed in the directory C:\Program Files\USGS\Phast for Windows

D. Installing and running the batch version for Windows

D.1. Installing the Windows batch versions of PHAST 

   You need administrator privileges to execute the installation file phast-@VERSION@-@REVISION@-
   x64.exe, which installs the programs PHAST, PHASTHDF, and Model Viewer.

   The default installation directory is \Program Files\USGS\phast-@MSI_VERSION@, which contains the
   following file and subdirectories:

   README.txt              This file
   \bin                    Batch file, executables, and DLLs.
      hdf5.dll             HDF dll
      phast.bat            Batch file that runs phastinput and phast-mt.
      phasthdf.exe         Java utility to extract files from HDF output (.h5 file).
      phastinput.exe       Program that converts input files to intermediate Phast.tmp file.
      phast-msmpi.exe      MPI executable.
      phast-mt.exe         OpenMP executable.
      szip.dll             Utility dll for compression
      zlib.dll             Utility dll for compression
   \database               Phreeqc database files.
      phast.dat            Same as phreeqc.dat.
   \doc                    Published reports.
      phast2-TM6-A35.pdf   PHAST version 2 (and 3) documentation
      phreeqc.RELEASE.txt  Release notes for PHREEQC version @VERSION@
      phreeqc2.pdf         PHREEQC version 2 documentation
      phreeqc3.pdf         PHREEQC version 3 documentation
      RELEASE.txt          Release notes for PHAST version @VERSION@
      wrir02-4172.pdf      Report on use of isotopes as thermodynamic components    
   \examples               PHAST examples, including ex1-6, which are described in  
                           the PHAST version 3 manual.  
   \lib                    Java files for phasthdf.exe.     

D.2. Running the Windows batch versions of PHAST 

   For reactive-transport simulations, PHAST needs at least three data files for execution, (1) the
   flow and transport data file (prefix.trans.dat), (2) the chemistry data file (prefix.chem.dat), and
   (3) the thermodynamic database file. For flow-only calculations, only the flow and transport data
   file is needed. Running PHAST is a two-step process that is automated in Windows batch file
   (install\bin\phast.bat), where "install" is the directory where phast is installed (usually
   C:\Program Files\USGS\phast-@VERSION@-@REVISION@). The path to this directory is added to the PATH
   environmental variable when phast is install, so the batch file can normally be executed by typing
   "phast" at a command prompt; otherwise, a complete path to the batch file is needed.

   The batch file is invoked as follows:

      phast prefix [DATABASE]  

   A prefix, from which input and output file names are derived, is defined as an argument to the
   script. Optionally, the chemistry database file name may be specified. If DATABASE is not defined,
   the database file is assumed to be named phast.dat.

   Within the batch file, the program phastinput (install\bin\phastinput.exe) is run to generate an
   intermediate input file named Phast.tmp. Following successful completion of the phastinput program,
   the script invokes the OpenMP version of phast (install\bin\phast-mt.exe).

   To run the MPI version of phast, it is necessary to use the mpiexec command at a command prompt. A
   simple example of running the MPI version of phast follows:

      mpiexec -n 4 "C:\Program Files\USGS\phast-3.2.10148\bin\phast-msmpi.exe"
   where 4 is the number of processes to use for parallel processing.

D.3. Running Model Viewer

   Model Viewer is a program that can be used for 3D visualization of results from the .h5 output file
   of phast. installed in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\USGS\Model Viewer x.x, where x.x is a
   version number. You can execute the program by double clicking or typing at a command prompt
   (C:\Program Files (x86)\USGS\Model Viewer 1.6\bin\modview.exe).

E. Compiling, installing, and running the batch version for Linux

No support beyond this README file is provided for users compiling their own
versions of the software. In general, to compile the software, you will need:
   C++ compiler
   Fortran 90 compiler
   hdf5 libraries >= 1.8
   boost C++ libraries >= 1.33
   zlib libraries >= 1.2.2

Additionally for the MPI version:
   mpi c++ wrapper: (ie mpic++ mpicxx mpiCC)
   mpi F90 wrapper: (ie mpif90)
A Makefile for your system can be generated by configure, and the Makefile can be used to
compile, test, and install the software.

E.1. Extracting the files

Follow the steps below to extract the files from a distribution tar file.

   Steps in extracting files                  Explanation
   ----------------------------------------   -----------------------------------
   gunzip phast-@VERSION@-@[email protected]     Uncompress the tar.gz file.
   tar -xvpof phast-@VERSION@-@[email protected]    Extract files from the tar file.

   The directory phast-@VERSION@-@REVISION@ is created when the files are
   extracted; if this directory already exists, you may want to delete or rename it
   before extracting the files.

   The following directory structure is created (the contents of each directory are
   shown to the right):

      aclocal.m4                 Configure file
      CMakeLists.txt             CMake file
      configure                  Configure executable               Configure file
      INSTALL                    Brief description of configure                Configure file                Configure file
      NOTICE                     User agreement
      README                     This file
      RELEASE                    PHAST release notes
      /config                    More configure files
      /database                  Database files 
         phast.dat               Same as phreeqc.dat.
      /doc                       Documentation files 
         phast2-TM6-A35.pdf      PHAST version 2 (and 3) documentation
         phreeqc2.pdf            PHREEQC version 2 documentation
         phreeqc3.pdf            PHREEQC version 3 documentation
         phreeqc.RELEASE.txt     Release notes for PHREEQC version @VERSION@
         RELEASE.txt             Release notes for PHAST version @VERSION@
         wrir02-4172.pdf         Report on use of isotopes as thermodynamic components    
      /examples                  Examples from user's guide--used in verification tests
      /m4                        Configure files
      /src                       Source code
      /test                      Files used to test the compilation

Notes: (a) A compiled executable is not included in the Linux distribution.
       (b) It is recommended that no user files be kept in the installation directory

E.2.  Change directory to the directory that was extracted from the tar file.

   cd phast-@VERSION@-@REVISION@

E.3.  Make a directory, for example, Release.
   mkdir Release

E.4.  Change directory to Release.
   cd Release

E.5.  Run configure
   Many of the options for configure can be seen by typing:
      ../configure --help
   Most common options:
      --prefix=dir--specifies the directory for installation of the
    		library. Default is /usr/local, $HOME would install
    		to your home directory.
      --with-mpi=yes--specifies that MPI (Message Passing Interface)
    		will be used for parallelization of PhreeqcRM. Make sure
                the MPI binary directory (the directory that contains 
                mpicc, for example) is included in your PATH environmental 
                variable. Default is no, in which case, OpenMP is used 
                for parallelization.
      --disable-openmp--specifies that OpenMP is not used. This option 
    	 	is used if you want neither kind of parallelization.
   Run configure as follows:    
      ../configure [options] 
E.6.  Compile the program
   make [-j n]

   Optionally, use -j n--where n is the number of compilations make runs in parallel.
E.7.  Check that compiled version runs the test cases. 
   Check may take several minutes.
      make check
   Logs for running the test cases are stored in the directory Release/test. Results
   of run are in Release/examples/phrqex11.

E.8. Install the program. 

   By default the program is installed in /usr/local/bin and 
   /usr/local/share/doc/phast-@VERSION@-@REVISION@. You can specify an installation
   prefix other than "/usr/local" by using the prefix option of configure, 
   prefix=$HOME for example.
      make install
   The locations of various files are given below, where "install" is the installation directory,
   /usr/local by default, or the value given by the --prefix option to configure. "install"
   represents the install directory in the following list.

      install/bin/phast                    Batch file for running phastinput and phast. The
                                           version of phast (MPI or OpenMP) will depend
                                           on the last "make install".
      install/bin/phastinput               phastinput executable. phastinput converts
                                           the *.trans.dat file to Phast.tmp, which
                                           is read by phast.
      install/bin/phasthdf                 Java utility to extract information from an 
                                           HDF (.h5) file.
      install/bin/phast-openmp             Executable for OpenMP version of phast.
      install/bin/phast-mpi                Executable for MPI version of phast.
         phast2-TM6-A35.pdf                PHAST version 2 (and 3) documentation
         phreeqc2.pdf                      PHREEQC version 2 documentation
         phreeqc3.pdf                      PHREEQC version 3 documentation
         phreeqc.RELEASE.txt               Release notes for PHREEQC version @VERSION@
         RELEASE.txt                       Release notes for PHAST version @VERSION@
         wrir02-4172.pdf                   Report on use of isotopes as thermodynamic components    
         phast.dat                         Same as phreeqc.dat.
   Example input files:
         Input files for examples. Ex1-6 are documented in the PHAST 2 manual

E.9. Running the Unix batch versions of PHAST 

For reactive-transport simulations, PHAST needs at least three data files for execution, (1) the flow
and transport data file (prefix.trans.dat), (2) the chemistry data file (prefix.chem.dat), and (3) the
thermodynamic database file. For flow-only calculations, only the flow and transport data file is
needed. Running PHAST is a two-step process that is automated in a Unix script (install/bin/phast,
where "install" is the directory where phast is installed). If the install directory is in your path,
you do not need a complete path name to run the phast script; otherwise, a complete path to the script
is needed.

The script is invoked as follows:

   phast prefix [-n PROCESSES] [-db DATABASE]  

A prefix, from which input and output file names are derived, is defined as an argument to the script.
Optionally, the number of threads or processes to run in parallel and the chemistry database file name
may be specified. If PROCESSES is not specified, then the number of threads or processes will be set
equal to the number of processors on the computer. If DATABASE is not defined, the database file is
assumed to be named phast.dat.

Within the script, the program phastinput (install/bin/phastinput) is run to generate an
intermediate input file named Phast.tmp. Following successful completion of the phastinput program, the
script invokes the program phast, which performs the reactive-transport simulations. The script will
run the version of phast that was last installed (make install), either MPI (install/bin/phast-mpi) or
OpenMP (install/bin/phast-openmp).

F. Running PHASTHDF to extract data from the HDF file

PHASTHDF (Linux, install/bin/phasthdf; Windows bin\phasthdf) is a Java program that allows 
you to extract data from the HDF output file (prefix.h5). Simply execute the program and 
define the HDF file and the data to extract from the screens provided.

G. Running MODEL VIEWER to visualize results on Windows

Model Viewer (\Model Viewer\bin\modview.exe) is a graphical user interface that allows
visualization of data stored in the HDF output file (prefix.h5).

H. Input files

The flow and transport data file, chemistry data file, and database file are all composed of
keyword data blocks. The keyword data blocks for chemistry are identical to PHREEQC, and any
PHREEQC calculation can be performed. PHREEQC is run first when PHAST starts to define
solutions, equilibrium-phase assemblages, exchange assemblages, surface assemblages, solid-
solution assemblages, gas phases, and sets of kinetic reactions with associated identifying
numbers. The numbered entities are used to set initial conditions in the model domain and to
define boundary solutions.

The database file phast.dat is the same as phreeqc.dat distributed with PHREEQC. It contains the
definitions of elements, aqueous species, mineral phase, exchange species, and surface species.

The keywords for the flow and transport data file have been devised for PHAST, but are based on
input for the model HST3D (stripping out anything related to heat or density and using head in
place of pressure). Most of the data blocks are related to the flow and transport parameters
needed to simulate ground-water flow and solute transport.

The main interaction between the flow and transport data file and the chemistry data file occurs
in CHEMISTRY_IC (of the flow and transport data file), where entity numbers (solutions,
equilibrium-phase assemblages, etc, as defined in the chemistry data file) are assigned to
spatial zones (rectangular parallelepipeds) to establish the initial conditions and reactions in
the model domain. Note that it is possible to define initial conditions that change linearly in
one of the coordinate directions for each zone (for example solution composition could vary
linearly between two end members along the x coordinate direction for a zone).

LEAKY_BC, FLUX_BC, SPECIFIED_BC, RIVER, and WELL all specify flow conditions that may result in a
flux of water into the domain. In that case, the solution composition associated with that flux
must be defined, again with index numbers referring to solutions defined in the chemistry data
file. In the _BC boundary conditions, it is possible to define a fixed or linear distribution of
solution composition.

I. Examples

Example problems are included in the examples directory of the installation.  Six of the examples
are documented in the phast2-TM6-A35.pdf file. They include a pulse of a linearly decaying and sorbing
component (ex1); chain decay resulting in production of three degradation products (ex2);
microbial consumption of a substrate with microbial growth (ex3); and a field-scale model for
Central Oklahoma that uses most of the features of PHAST (ex4). A simulation of a sewage effluent
plume at Cape Cod, Massachusetts (ex5), and another simulation of the sewage plume on a refined
grid (ex6).

Several other examples are included in the example directory, including an ion exchange problem
equivalent to example 11 in the PHREEQC manual (phrqex11). The other examples are test problems
used to debug PHAST that often use only one feature of PHAST. Some of the examples contain no
chemistry and are simply a test of the flow model.

J. Contacts

Hopefully this is enough to get you started. Please report bugs ([email protected] or
[email protected]) and we will try to fix any problems as soon as possible. Any other comments are