cmake -P build_phreeqcrm.cmake
# download phreeqcrm
curl -L -O
# untar phreeqcrm
tar xvzf phreeqcrm-3.7.3-15968.tar.gz
# configure phreeqcrm
cmake -S phreeqcrm-3.7.3-15968 -B phreeqcrm-3.7.3-15968/_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=phreeqcrm
# build phreeqcrm
cmake --build phreeqcrm-3.7.3-15968/_build --config Release -j
# install phreeqcrm
cmake --install phreeqcrm-3.7.3-15968/_build --config Release
see src/CMakeLists.txt and src/main.cpp
cmake -S src -B build -L
Use the -L
option to list cached variables and verify that the include directory and library are correct
cmake --build build --config Release