- ushahidi/platform#4112: Add button role to improve accessibility in common/notifications and user-profile (@onyeepeace)
- ushahidi/platform#3918: Make registration button and endpoints optional (@SaifurRahmanMohsin)
- ushahidi/platform#4119: Weak color contrast and issues for tab key users in the map and search area of the map page (@Ifycode)
- ushahidi/platform#2746: Provide a ‘Skip to Content’ link (@bimbolabuary)
- ushahidi/platform#3641: Make "New survey" button Right-To-Left friendly (@hariclerry)
- ushahidi/platform#4080: Improve labeling for logging in and signing up users (@error404-sp)
Known regression:
Logging in with the initial default credentials (admin/admin) is not allowed by the client in this release. A quick fix release will be shortly shipped.