Unable to move forward because a dependency has yet to be completed
Changes related to the project build system, library dependencies, and GitHub Actions
Basic project-level housekeeping
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Configuring and maintaining a Dioptra deployment
Additions or changes related to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Creating, updating and maintaining end-to-end examples of how to use Dioptra
New feature to add to project
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Tabled/archived for now, but may be revisited later on
A task that is currently in progress
Pull requests that update Javascript code
A change that optimizes/improves performance
New features implemented/tested on a reference prototype
Pull requests that update Python code
Features and refactors that promote consistency and improve the overall user experience.
Further information is requested
Changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature
A unit of tasking that does not belong to an Epic
Additions or changes to project tests
A unit of tasking that belongs to an Epic
Has one or more action items that need to be addressed by another contributor or stakeholder
This will not be worked on