go get github.com/utilitywarehouse/swaggerui
A wrapper around https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui which is served a static file from a Go API. The swagger UI will be available on <YOUR_DOMAIN>/swagger-ui/
, and will look for the swagger.json
at <YOUR_DOMAIN>/swagger.json
. This allows you to pass in an auth token, which will be necessary to hit many endpoints. You can get your okta token by running
uw iam login --copy --print --format json --quiet
with the UW CLI (https://github.com/utilitywarehouse/uw-cli).
This is intended to be used alongside a Go API as following.
import "github.com/utilitywarehouse/swaggerui"
m := http.NewServeMux()
swaggerFilePath := "swagger/swagger.json"
m.Handle("/swagger-ui/", http.StripPrefix("/swagger-ui/", swaggerui.SwaggerUI()))
m.Handle("/swagger.json", http.HandlerFunc(func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
http.ServeFileFS(writer, request, swaggerFS, swaggerFilePath)
svr := &http.Server{
Addr: "localhost:8080",
Handler: m,
ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
if err := svr.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
make run
at root level to build the UI and run a go server at localhost:8080/swagger-ui
; replace the cmd/swagger/swagger.json
with the swagger json of your choice for testing (note - it won't actually be able to call those endpoints).
contains a sample swagger file for testing purposes.
will spin up a go server on localhost:8080 which can be used for testing out changed to the swagger ui.
Make sure to run make build-ui
before pushing up if you're making changes to the UI; this is intended to work by serving the static files made from this UI, rather than the UI itself being run in a docker container or something like that.
An extension of this might be to instead spin this up as a sidecar, rather than integrating the swagger UI directly with the services. That'd be neater, however is more work than this.