Service that connect on TMDb API and return informations about upcoming movies.
- Stack
- Flask Framework (Python)
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Third-party libraries
- Flask: Python Framework
- gunicorn: Python WSGI HTTP Server
- requests: Library to make HTTP requests
- Flask-Caching: Library to help to work with cache in function level
- Flask-Cors: Library to allow CORS
- pytest: Suite test library
- requests-mock: Requests library mock
- pytest-mock: Library to help to mock objects
- flake8: Tool for code style guide
- Architecture
- I thought in a simple REST API, so it has a views package (controles), when has the logic business and a services package, when has the comuniction with external services or database etc.
- Assumptions
- The application does not need storage any data
- The application can have an cache for genres data (one day cache timeout)
- The movie search will be implemented only on the frontend
- Special build instructions
- You're going to have docker and docker-compose installed
- Run docker-compose up dev to run as development mode
- Run docker-compose up prod to run as production mode
- Run docker-compose run --rm tests to run the unittests
- Run docker-compose run --rm flake8 to run flake8
- To easy production deploy you can run docker-compose up -d prod.
- Endpoints: After run the application, you can check the API endpoins.
GET /api/v1/helthcheck
GET /api/v1/movie/upcoming
GET /api/v1/movie/upcoming?page=([0-9]+)
- Run docker-compose up dev
- Go to the browser on