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Smart Scheduler

WORK IN PROGRESS, close to a stable release, please help me and report any issue

This node is part of a suite of nodes to control heating:

  • smart-scheduler: visual &multi schedule management,
  • smart-valve: manage valve in a same room in a group and enable auto-recalibration and as well on device override,
  • smart-boiler: enable to pilote the boiler with the most relevant temperature according to the valves in the house.

This node have been more than inspired by the excellent work of node-red-contrib-light-scheduler.

It enables to define heating zones with temperature setPoint. It support multiple schedules and exposes realtime information to home assistant (via MQTT).

Default setpoint feature and multiple execution mode are as well supported.

The Smartscheduler is interfaced with Home assistant and use MQTT to advertise and send update.

Key features:

  • Interface with Home Assistant (adversise, and update),
  • Heating zone definition with color,
  • Multiple schedule management, activable directly from home assistant
  • Visual weekly calendar, copy daily schedule from 1 day to another
  • Manual Override mode with duration,
  • On / Off / Auto / Override execution mode
  • Different output modes (state-change, state-change+startup, every minute)
  • External manual trigger
  • Default setPoint when there is no event



The input is used to changed to the current execution mode between:

  • Off: smart-scheduler is not active (no output)
  • Auto: smart-scheduler is following the active schedule
  • override: smart-scheduler is in force mode with a defined setpoint for a defined periode of time

Input can be node-red input and MQTT directly from home assistant (see Home Assistant section)

Input payload

The following example give the message expected in input:

		command:"override",				// set the execution mode
		setpoint:25					// set the new setpoint
Field Values description
command [1|on|trigger] Manual trigger of an execution cycle
command [auto] set execution mode to auto
command [override] set execution mode to override
command [0|off] set execution mode to off (no output)
setpoint [Integer 0-35] define the override setpoint temperature
noout [true|false] flag to avoid output message from the scheduler on the next cycle to avoid endless loop with override message comming from the smart-valve


This node has 1 output to send update to smart-valve,

the tipical msg output is :

    "setpoint":20,                          // target temperature of the valve based on the schedule                     
    "previous_setpoint":0,                  // previous target temperature
    "setname":"Confort",                    // name of the heating zone
    "short_start":"17:00",                  // schedule event start time
    "short_end":"20:00",                    // schedule event end time
    "start":"2018-01-05 17:00:00",          // start iso timestamp
    "end":"2018-01-05 20:00:00",            // end iso timestamp
    "manualtrigger":false,                  // is this the result of a manual trigger
    "active_ruleidx":3,                      // rule id
    "prev_ruleidx":0,                        // prev rule id
    "executionmode":"auto",                  // execution mode |auto|manual|off
    "hasSpchanged":true                      // has the setpoint changed from the previous cycle

Configuration setting

List of settings:

Setting Type description
Name [String] Name & title of the nonde in Node-red and in Home assistant
Topic [String] topic is not used and sent in every output message
UniqueId [String] uniqueid is used by home assistant for device & entities discovery, it can not be empty and must be unique (be careful)
Set point [Integer 0-35] default setpoint value that will be output when no active event are defined
Schedule [dropdown-list] list of definded schedules, the one selected is active
Rules [List] list of heating zone used in the visual schedule event definition. A rule is defined by the following field [name| setpoint value|color]
Schedule Name [String] active schedule name
Copy [list] to [list] [button] enable to copy a daily schedule to another day
clean [button] wipe out the active schedule
Trigger mode [list: "when state change, when state change+startup every cycle]
Cycle duration  [Integer 1-60] duration between two execution cycle default
Execution override  [true false]
Execution Mode [list: auto|manual|off] default execution mode at startup, manual=override
Duration [Integer 1-120] Override duration in min after override input command
Execution setpoint [Integer 0-35] Default setpoint for override command
Debug info [true false]

Interface with Home Assistant

The smart-scheduler is inteface with home assistant and entities and should be discovered as new device automatically.

The name of the device in Home Assistant is the name of the node in the setting.

MQTT Topics

Entities Type Description topic
Mode Advertise Execution Mode [MQTT_PREFIX/select/[UniqueId]/mode/config ]
Mode Set Execution Mode [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/mode/set ]
Mode State Execution Mode [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/mode/state ]
Schedule List Advertise Dropdown list of schedules [MQTT_PREFIX/select/[UniqueId]/schedule_list/config ]
Schedule List Set Dropdown list of schedules [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/schedule_list/set ]
Schedule List State Dropdown list of schedules [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/schedule_list/state ]
setpoint Advertise Current setpoint [MQTT_PREFIX/sensor/[UniqueId]/current_sp/config ]
setpoint Set Current setpoint [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/current_sp/set ]
setpoint State Current setpoint [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/current_sp/state ]
Previous setpoint Advertise Previous setpoint [MQTT_PREFIX/sensor/[UniqueId]/previous_sp/config ]
Previous setpoint Set Previous setpoint [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/previous_sp/set ]
Previous setpoint State Previous setpoint [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/previous_sp/state ]
Event name Advertise Current event name [MQTT_PREFIX/sensor/[UniqueId]/current_event_name/config ]
Event name State Current event name [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/current_event_name/state ]
Event start Advertise Current event start time [MQTT_PREFIX/sensor/[UniqueId]/current_event_start/config ]
Event start State Current event start time [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/current_event_start/state ]
Event end Advertise Current event end time [MQTT_PREFIX/sensor/[UniqueId]/current_event_end/config ]
Event end State Current event end time [MQTT_PREFIX/[UniqueId]/current_event_end/state ]

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